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Fișier:Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact showing the new German-Soviet border Sept 28 1939.png

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Descriere fișier

Deutsch: Karte aus dem geheimen Zusatzprotokolls des Deutsch-sowjetischen Nichtangriffspakts, der die vorgesehene Teilung Polens zeigt. Die Karte ist unterschrieben von Josef Stalin und Reichsaußenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop.
English: The map from the secret appendix to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact showing the new German-Soviet border. The map is signed by Joseph Stalin and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Note Stalin's signature on the border correction east of Rzeszow and south of Zamosc. Note: Genuine photo is color.
Dată (document), 1946 (photo)
Sursă This photo of the document was made in 1946 by the defence of von Ribbentrop and Hermann Göring in the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.
Autor NecunoscutUnknown author
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Public domain
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Public domain
This file is in the public domain because This is a German photograph now well over 50 years old. Under Germany's copyright law, Article 72, this means that any copyright has expired.

This template must not be used to dedicate an uploader's own work to the public domain; CC0 should be used instead.

This work must carry justifications for free usability in both the United States and its country of origin.

Istoricul fișierului

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală28 mai 2009 13:58Miniatură pentru versiunea din 28 mai 2009 13:581.505x1.999 (630 KB)Esemono== Summary == {{Information |Description= {{de|Karte aus dem geheimen Zusatzprotokolls des Deutsch-sowjetischen Nichtangriffspakts, der die vorgesehene Teilung Polens zeigt. Die Karte ist unterschrieben von [

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