Hard science fiction
(Redirecționat de la Științifico-fantastic tare)
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Hard science-fiction (cu sensul de științifico-fantasticul dur sau științifico-fantasticul tare sau științifico-fantasticul hard) este un gen al științifico-fantastic-ului în care se pune accentul pe detaliile științifice sau tehnice, ori pe acuratețea științifică, sau pe ambele[1][2]. Termenul a fost folosit pentru prima data în format tipărit în 1957 de către P. Schuyler Miller într-o recenzie a Islands of Space de John W. Campbell, recenzie publicată în Astounding[3][4][5]. Termenul complementar de soft science fiction (științifico-fantasticul moale sau științifico-fantasticul soft, format prin analogie cu științifico-fantasticul tare) a apărut pentru prima oară la sfârșitul anilor 1970.[6]
[modificare | modificare sursă]Romane
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Robert A. Heinlein, The Rolling Stones (1952)
- Hal Clement, Mission of Gravity (1953)[7]
- John Wyndham, The Outward Urge (1959)
- Arthur C. Clarke, A Fall of Moondust (1961)[5]
- Stanislaw Lem, Solaris (1961)
- Arthur C. Clarke, A Fall of Moondust (1961),[5] Rendezvous with Rama (1972)
- Stanislaw Lem, Invincibilul (1964)
- Michael Crichton, The Andromeda Strain (1969)
- Poul Anderson, Tau Zero (1970)
- Joe Haldeman, The Forever War (1974)
- James P. Hogan, The Two Faces of Tomorrow (1979)[5]
- Robert L. Forward, Dragon's Egg (1980)[8] & Starquake
- James P. Hogan, The Two Faces of Tomorrow (1979)[5]
- Robert L. Forward, Dragon's Egg (1980)[9]
- F.M. Busby The Star Rebel (1984)
- Charles Sheffield, Between the Strokes of Night (1985)[5]
- The World at the End of Time de Frederik Pohl (1990)
- Kim Stanley Robinson, Trilogia Marte (Red Mars (1992), Green Mars (1993), Blue Mars (1996))[10][11]
- Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park (1990)
- Robert Silverberg (editor), Murasaki (1992)
- Ben Bova, Seria Grand Tour (1992-)
- Nancy Kress, Beggars in Spain (1993)[12]
- Catherine Asaro, Primary Inversion (1995, 2012)
- Linda Nagata, The Nanotech Succession (1995-1998)
- Stephen Baxter, Ring (1996)
- Greg Egan, Schild's Ladder (2002)[13]
- Gwyneth Jones, Life (2004)
- Alastair Reynolds, Revelation Space (2000) [14]
- Greg Egan, Schild's Ladder (2002)[15]
- Alastair Reynolds, Pushing Ice (2005)
- Cixin Liu, "The Three Body Problem" (2006)
- Paul J. McAuley, The Quiet War (2008)
- Charles Stross, Spațiul singularității (2003), Răsărit de fier (2004)
- Andy Weir, The Martian (2011)[16]
- Neal Stephenson, Seveneves (2015)
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Hal Clement, "Uncommon Sense" (1945)
- James Blish, "Surface Tension" (1952), (Cartea a 3-a a The Seedling Stars [1957])[7]
- Tom Godwin, "The Cold Equations" (1954)[7]
- Poul Anderson, "Kyrie" (1968)[7] Informații despre această povestire
- Frederik Pohl, "Day Million" (1971)[7]
- Larry Niven, "Inconstant Moon" (1971) și "The Hole Man" (1974)[7]
- Greg Bear, "Tangents" (1986)[7]
- Frederik Pohl, "Day Million" (1971)[7]
- Larry Niven, "Inconstant Moon" (1971) și "The Hole Man" (1974)[7]
- Geoffrey A. Landis, "O plimbare prin Soare" (1991)[12]
- Vernor Vinge, "Fast Times at Fairmont High" (2001)[12]
[modificare | modificare sursă]- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)[17]
- Marooned (1969)
- The Andromeda Strain (1971)
- Silent Running (1972)[17]
- Solaris (1972)[17]
- Dark Star (1974)[17]
- Stalker (1979)
- Blade Runner (1982)[18]
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) — sequel to 2001
- Contact (1997)[17]
- Gattaca (1997)[17]
- Primer (2004)
- Sunshine (2007)[17]
- The Man from Earth (2007)
- Moon (2009)[17]
- Robot and Frank (2012)
- Gravity (2013)[17]
- Her (2013)
- Europa Report (2013)
- Interstellar (2014)
- Ex Machina (2015)
- The Martian (2015)
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Black Mirror (2011)
- Westworld (2016)
Anime / Manga
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Yukinobu Hoshino, 2001 Nights (1984, 1986)
- They Were Eleven (1986)
- Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)
- Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
- Makoto Yukimura, Planetes (1999, 2004)
- Flag (2006)
- Pale Cocoon (2006)
- Dennō Coil (2007)
- Moonlight Mile (2007)
- Rocket Girls (2007)
- Eden of the East (2009)
Romane grafice
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Policenauts (1994)
- YU-NO (1996)
Benzi desenate
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Robot ("The Sanatorium of Dr. Vliperdius"/Mortal Engines); Timof Comics (based upon stories by Stanislaw Lem) (2013)
- Ringworld: The Graphic Novel, Part One (2014) & Part Two (2015)
- Russians on the Moon! (2016)
[modificare | modificare sursă]- ^ Nicholls, Peter (). „Hard SF”. În John Clute, Peter Nicholls. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.
- ^ Wolfe, Gary K. (). „Hard Science Fiction”. Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Glossary and Guide to Scholarship.
- ^ „hard science fiction n”. Science fiction citations. Jesse's word. . Accesat în .
Earliest cite: P. Schuyler Miller in Astounding Science Fiction ... he called A Fall of Moondust "hard" science fiction
- ^ Hartwell, David G. (). „Introduction: New People, New Places, New Politics”. The Hard SF Renaissance. New York: Tor. ISBN 0-312-87635-1.
- ^ a b c d e f Westfahl, Gary (). „Introduction”. Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy). Greenwood Press. p. 2. ISBN 0313297274. Accesat în .
hard science fiction ... the term was first used by P. Schuyler Miller in 1957
- ^ „soft science fiction n”. Science fiction citations. Jesse's word. . Accesat în .
Soft science fiction, probably a back-formation from Hard Science Fiction
- ^ a b c d e f g h i David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, ed. (). The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF. New York: Published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. ISBN 978-0312855093. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .
- ^ Chris Aylott. „The Humans Were Flat but the Cheela Were Charming in 'Dragon's Egg'”. Accesat în . Some editions also inclide a preface by Larry Niven, admitting that "I couldn't have written it; it required too much real physics"
- ^ Aylott, Chris. „The Humans Were Flat but the Cheela Were Charming in 'Dragon's Egg'”. Accesat în . Some editions also include a preface by Larry Niven, admitting that "I couldn't have written it; it required too much real physics"
- ^ Alyott, Chris (). „The Vanishing Martian”. SPACE.com. Accesat în .
- ^ Horton, Richard R. (). „Blue Mars review”. Accesat în . Review by Rich Horton]
- ^ a b c Hartwell, David G. (). The Hard SF Renaissance. New York: Tor. ISBN 0-312-87635-1.
- ^ Schild's Ladder by Greg Egan
- ^ Revelation Space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- ^ „Schild's Ladder”.
- ^ „Andy Weir, "The Martian" (Crown, 2014)”. .
- ^ a b c d e f g h i „Contemplate Your Place in the Universe with Hard Sci-Fi Film Classics!”. .
- ^ „23 Best Hard Science Fiction Books - The Best Science Fiction Books”. .
Bibliografie suplimentară
[modificare | modificare sursă]- On Hard Science Fiction: A Bibliography, originally published in Science Fiction Studies #60 (July 1993).
- David G. Hartwell, "Hard Science Fiction," Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine., Introduction to The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard Science Fiction, 1994, ISBN 0-312-85509-5
- Kathryn Cramer's chapter on hard science fiction in The Cambridge Companion to SF, ed. Farah Mendlesohn & Edward James.
- Gary Westfahl (). Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy). Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-29727-4.
- A Political History of SF by Eric Raymond
- The Science in Science Fiction by Brian Stableford, David Langford, & Peter Nicholls (1982)
Legături externe
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Kheper Realism scale
- The Ascent of Wonder Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine. by David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer. Story notes and introductions.
- Hard Science Fiction Exclusive Interviews Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.
- The Ten Best Hard Science Fiction Books of all Time Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine., selected by the editors of MIT's Technology Review, 2011