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Fișier:Alexander Lukashenko in a meeting with Bashar al-Assad in December 2003 (2) (twice-cropped).jpg

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Alexander_Lukashenko_in_a_meeting_with_Bashar_al-Assad_in_December_2003_(2)_(twice-cropped).jpg (644 × 336 pixeli, mărime fișier: 80 KB, tip MIME: image/jpeg)

Acest fișier se află la Wikimedia Commons. Consultați pagina sa descriptivă acolo.

Descriere fișier

English: Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko meets with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad during a state visit to Syrian Arab Republic on 9-10 December 2003.
Sursă archived here
Autor Press Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Alte versiuni
image extraction process
Acest fișier a fost extras dintr-o altă imagine
: 19664.1591815962.14e57f1f59 (cropped).jpg
original file
image extraction process
Acest fișier a fost extras dintr-o altă imagine
: Alexander Lukashenko in a meeting with Bashar al-Assad in December 2003 (2).jpg
original file


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This work was created in Syria and is now in the public domain there because its term of copyright has expired pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 12/2001, Syria's first ever copyright law (details). In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. Syrian works are currently in the public domain in the United States if their copyright had expired in Syria on the date of restoration (June 11, 2004) and the work was published before this date.

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    • a) "Groups of official documents such as laws, decrees, regulations, international agreements, judicial judgements, decisions of the administrative authorities and all other official documents and the official translation thereof."
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10 decembrie 2003


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actuală15 iulie 2023 08:13Miniatură pentru versiunea din 15 iulie 2023 08:13644x336 (80 KB)Shadowwarrior8File:19664.1591815962.14e57f1f59 (cropped).jpg cropped 18 % horizontally, 30 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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