New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer: Albertin, Walter, photographer.
Această imagine a fost retușată, ceea ce înseamnă că a fost modificată pe cale digitală și este diferită de cea inițială. Modificări: cropped, contrast tweaked. Imaginea inițială poate fi consultată aici: Ann Ronell NYWTS.jpg. Modificările au fost efectuate de către Jafeluv.
Photographs in this collection other than those identified by such stamps as "World-Telegram photo" or "World-Telegram photo by Ed Palumbo" might not be in the public domain. Works within the collection may be attributed to other news services that retain copyright, works of the U.S. government that are in the public domain in the US, or works with no attribution for which copyright cannot be determined.
Jurnalul original al încărcărilor
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2006-10-25T03:32:11Z Davepape 2385x3000 (557605 Bytes) {{Information |Source=Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection. |Description= Ann Ronell at tape recordi
{{Information |Description=Ann Ronell at tape recording machine listening to a song she wrote called "Just a Girl" / World Telegram & Sun photo by Walter Albertin. |Source=[] |Date=1953 |Author=New York World-Te
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