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Fișier:Cross section of Red Astrachan, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-084).jpg

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Cross_section_of_Red_Astrachan,_National_Fruit_Collection_(acc._1999-084).jpg (640 × 480 pixeli, mărime fișier: 31 KB, tip MIME: image/jpeg)

Acest fișier se află la Wikimedia Commons. Consultați pagina sa descriptivă acolo.

Descriere fișier

English:  :Red Astrachan apple, cross-sectioned.
Synonyms: Abe Lincoln, American Red, American Rouge, Anglese Pippin, Anglesea Pippin, Astracan, Astracan rosso, Astracan Rouge, Astrachan, Astrachan cerveny, Astrachan Red, Astrachan Rouge, Astrachanskoe Krasnoe, Astrahan Rosu, Astrahanskoe Krasnoe, Astrakan, Astrakan Rouge, Astrakhan, Astrakhan Rouge, Asztrahani piros, Beauty of Wales, Carmin de Juin, Castle Leno Pippin, Cerven Astrahan, d'Astracan, d'Astracan rouge, der rote astrachanische Sommerapfel, der rothe Astrachanische Sommerapfel, Deterding's Early, Deterling's Early, Duke of Devon, Hamper's American, Kaiserlicher Calvill, Krasnoe astra hanskoe, Olivka Krasnaya, Oliwka czerwona, Pomeroy, Pomme d'Astracan Rouge, Rau Astrakan, Red Astracan, Red Astrachan Apple, Red Astrakhan, Rod Astrakan, Rod Astrakaner, Roda Astrakanska, Rode Astrakan, Roode Astrachaner, Roter Astrachan, Rother Astracan, Rother Astrachan, Rother Astrakan, Rother Astrakhan, Rouge d'Astrachan, Rouge Hative, The Red Astrachan Apple, Transparent Rouge, Transparente Rouge, Vermilion d'Ete, Vermillon d'Ete, Waterloo
NFC's description of the apple is: "Originated from Russia. It first fruited in the UK in 1816. Fruits have firm, crisp, fairly juicy flesh with a sweet and fair flavour."

This culinary / dessert apple is available at the National Fruit Collection under the accession number 1999-084.

Dată Dată necunoscută
English: National Fruit Collection, Brogdale.
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On tree


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actuală13 decembrie 2016 15:17Miniatură pentru versiunea din 13 decembrie 2016 15:17640x480 (31 KB)Drudgebane StorkksbotUploading NFC apple 1999-084 (Cross section)

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