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Fișier:Factory and industrial management (1891) (14577937757).jpg

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Identifier: factoryindustria15newy (find matches)
Title: Factory and industrial management
Year: 1891 (1890s)
Subjects: Engineering Factory management Industrial efficiency
Publisher: New York (etc.) McGraw-Hill (etc.)
Contributing Library: Engineering - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.

Text Appearing Before Image:
lllE GAKABIT VIAUUCI The lii^^hest iron arch bridge in the world, 380 ft. high, 542 ft. .span, over the Truyere, in the south of France. slightest tremor. This bridge will again be surpassed by the struc-ture over the North river of nearly twice the span (3,100 feet) andeight times the capacity. Bat that still larger spans are possible is
Text Appearing After Image:
);ridge ov?:r the dolro, tortugal. Two roadways, one on toj), and one suspended below, arch span 566 feet; completed 1885. 914 EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN the conclusion reached, by a commission of army engineers appointedby the United States secretary of war in 1894. Their report gives,for certain conditions, as the practicable limit of span, 4,335 f^^^-I have no hesitation in saying that, a bridge with a span of 6,000feet could be built, for the heaviest trains at express speed. Fantastic as it may seem, it is nevertheless true that, based on thetheoretical resources of to-day, a steel bridge could be built over theAtlantic ocean, which would be perfectly safe, resting on anchoredpiers which the fiercest hurricane, or the heaviest steamer in collision,

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Autor Internet Archive Book Images
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:factoryindustria15newy
  • bookyear:1891
  • bookdecade:1890
  • bookcentury:1800
  • booksubject:Engineering
  • booksubject:Factory_management
  • booksubject:Industrial_efficiency
  • bookpublisher:New_York__etc___McGraw_Hill__etc__
  • bookcontributor:Engineering___University_of_Toronto
  • booksponsor:University_of_Toronto
  • bookleafnumber:923
  • bookcollection:torontoengineering
  • bookcollection:toronto
Flickr posted date
28 iulie 2014


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8 octombrie 2015


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