Fișier:Full octahedral group elements in truncated cuboctahedron; JF.png
![Fișier:Full octahedral group elements in truncated cuboctahedron; JF.png](
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DescriereFull octahedral group elements in truncated cuboctahedron; JF.png |
![]() ![]() Elements of the full octahedral group as permutations of The neutral element is the light JF on the left. The light vertices are its 24 rotations. The dark ones are reflections.
![]() ![]() Această imagine a fost creată cu Persistence of Vision. |
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POV-Ray source
#version 3.6;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 conserve_energy}}
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
///////////////////////////// camera and light
#declare Camera_Position = <13.2, 10.5, -45>;
location Camera_Position
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 10.45
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source{ <-400, 500, -300> color White*0.9 shadowless}
light_source{ <400, 200, 100> color White*0.4 shadowless}
light_source{ Camera_Position color rgb<0.9,0.9,1>*0.2 shadowless}
sky_sphere{ pigment{ White } }
///////////////////////////// sizes
#declare RadVert = .04;
#declare RadEdge = .01;
///////////////////////////// colors
#declare DarkColor = rgb<0.005, 0.004, 0.004>; // edges of the JF compound
#declare Darkbrown = rgb<1,0.8,0.65>*.2;
#declare Lightbrown = rgb<1,0.8,0.65>*.5;
#declare EdgeColor = DarkColor; // polyhedron
#declare FaceColor = rgbt <1, 1, 1, .7>; // polyhedron
///////////////////////////////////////////////// macro to create the JF compound in the provided color
#macro letterJF(LightColor)
#declare BigCyl = cylinder{ <0, 0, 0>, <0.9, 0, 0>, 1.5 }
#declare SmallCyl = cylinder{ <-0.1, 0, 0>, <1, 0, 0>, 0.6 }
#declare Ring = difference{
#declare CutBox = box{
<-10,-10,-10> <10,10,10>
translate 10*y
#declare HalfRing = difference{
#declare CutBox = object{
rotate -45*x
pigment{color DarkColor}
#declare LetterJTail = difference{
#declare LetterStem = box{
<0, 0, 0.6>
<0.9, 2.4, 1.5>
#declare LetterFBar1 = box{
<0, 1.5, 0.6>
<-3, 2.4, 1.5>
#declare CutBox = box{
<-10,-10,-10> <10,10,10>
translate <-12.6, 0, 0>
pigment{color DarkColor}
#declare LetterFBar1 = difference{
#declare LetterFBar2 = object{
translate <0, -1.5, 0>
#declare CutBox = object{
translate <1.3, 0, 0>
#declare LetterFBar2 = difference{
#declare LetterJFSolid = union{
pigment{color LightColor}
///////////////////////////// JF outline
#declare R = 0.03;
#declare PointFBar1a = <0.9, 2.4, 0.6>;
#declare PointFBar1b = PointFBar1a + 0.9*z;
#declare PointFBar1c = PointFBar1a - 3.5*x;
#declare PointFBar1d = PointFBar1b - 3.5*x;
#declare PointFBar2c = PointFBar1c - 0.9*y;
#declare PointFBar2d = PointFBar2c + 0.9*z;
#declare PointFBar2a = PointFBar2c + 2.6*x;
#declare PointFBar2b = PointFBar2a + 0.9*z;
#declare PointFBar3a = PointFBar2a - 0.6*y;
#declare PointFBar3b = PointFBar3a + 0.9*z;
#declare PointFBar3c = PointFBar3a - 1.3*x;
#declare PointFBar3d = PointFBar3b - 1.3*x;
#declare PointFBar4a = PointFBar3a - 0.9*y;
#declare PointFBar4b = PointFBar4a + 0.9*z;
#declare PointFBar4c = PointFBar4a - 1.3*x;
#declare PointFBar4d = PointFBar4b - 1.3*x;
#declare PointJFaceA = PointFBar4a + 0.9*x;
#declare PointJFaceB = PointFBar4b + 0.9*x;
#declare PointJEndA = <0.9, -sqrt(1.125), -sqrt(1.125)>;
#declare PointJEndB = <0.9, -sqrt(0.18), -sqrt(0.18)>;
#declare PointJEndC = PointJEndA - 0.9*x;
#declare PointJEndD = PointJEndB - 0.9*x;
#declare SmallTorus = object{
torus {0.6, R}
rotate 90*z
#declare BigTorus = object{
torus {1.5, R}
rotate 90*z
#declare Tori1 = union{
#declare Tori2 = object{
translate 0.9*x
#declare Tori = union{
#declare CutBox = box{
<-10,-10,-10> <10,10,10>
translate 10*y
#declare Tori = difference{
#declare CutBox = object{
rotate -45*x
#declare Tori = difference{
#declare LetterJFOutlines = union{
sphere{PointFBar1a, R}
sphere{PointFBar1b, R}
sphere{PointFBar1c, R}
sphere{PointFBar1d, R}
sphere{PointFBar2a, R}
sphere{PointFBar2b, R}
sphere{PointFBar2c, R}
sphere{PointFBar2d, R}
sphere{PointFBar3a, R}
sphere{PointFBar3b, R}
sphere{PointFBar3c, R}
sphere{PointFBar3d, R}
sphere{PointFBar4a, R}
sphere{PointFBar4b, R}
sphere{PointFBar4c, R}
sphere{PointFBar4d, R}
sphere{PointJEndA, R}
sphere{PointJEndB, R}
sphere{PointJEndC, R}
sphere{PointJEndD, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1a, PointFBar1b, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1b, PointFBar1d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1d, PointFBar1c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1c, PointFBar1a, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2a, PointFBar2b, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2b, PointFBar2d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2d, PointFBar2c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2c, PointFBar2a, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3a, PointFBar3b, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3b, PointFBar3d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3d, PointFBar3c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3c, PointFBar3a, R}
cylinder{PointFBar4a, PointFBar4b, R}
cylinder{PointFBar4b, PointFBar4d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar4d, PointFBar4c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar4c, PointFBar4a, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1c, PointFBar2c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1d, PointFBar2d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2a, PointFBar3a, R}
cylinder{PointFBar2b, PointFBar3b, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3c, PointFBar4c, R}
cylinder{PointFBar3d, PointFBar4d, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1a, PointJFaceA, R}
cylinder{PointFBar1b, PointJFaceB, R}
cylinder{PointJEndA, PointJEndB, R}
cylinder{PointJEndB, PointJEndD, R}
cylinder{PointJEndD, PointJEndC, R}
cylinder{PointJEndC, PointJEndA, R}
pigment{color DarkColor}
///////////////////////////// JF compound as result of the macro
translate <0.85, -0.45, -0.25>
scale .17
rotate 90*y
///////////////////////////////////////////////// vertices, edges and faces of the truncated cuboctahedron
#declare Factor = .9;
#declare Abs = array[3]{ (1)*Factor, (1 + sqrt(2))*Factor, (1 + 2*sqrt(2))*Factor, }
#declare P = array[48]{ <-Abs[2],-Abs[1],-Abs[0]>, <-Abs[2],-Abs[1],Abs[0]>, <-Abs[2],-Abs[0],-Abs[1]>, <-Abs[2],-Abs[0],Abs[1]>, <-Abs[2],Abs[0],-Abs[1]>, <-Abs[2],Abs[0],Abs[1]>, <-Abs[2],Abs[1],-Abs[0]>, <-Abs[2],Abs[1],Abs[0]>, <-Abs[1],-Abs[2],-Abs[0]>, <-Abs[1],-Abs[2],Abs[0]>, <-Abs[1],-Abs[0],-Abs[2]>, <-Abs[1],-Abs[0],Abs[2]>, <-Abs[1],Abs[0],-Abs[2]>, <-Abs[1],Abs[0],Abs[2]>, <-Abs[1],Abs[2],-Abs[0]>, <-Abs[1],Abs[2],Abs[0]>, <-Abs[0],-Abs[2],-Abs[1]>, <-Abs[0],-Abs[2],Abs[1]>, <-Abs[0],-Abs[1],-Abs[2]>, <-Abs[0],-Abs[1],Abs[2]>, <-Abs[0],Abs[1],-Abs[2]>, <-Abs[0],Abs[1],Abs[2]>, <-Abs[0],Abs[2],-Abs[1]>, <-Abs[0],Abs[2],Abs[1]>, <Abs[0],-Abs[2],-Abs[1]>, <Abs[0],-Abs[2],Abs[1]>, <Abs[0],-Abs[1],-Abs[2]>, <Abs[0],-Abs[1],Abs[2]>, <Abs[0],Abs[1],-Abs[2]>, <Abs[0],Abs[1],Abs[2]>, <Abs[0],Abs[2],-Abs[1]>, <Abs[0],Abs[2],Abs[1]>, <Abs[1],-Abs[2],-Abs[0]>, <Abs[1],-Abs[2],Abs[0]>, <Abs[1],-Abs[0],-Abs[2]>, <Abs[1],-Abs[0],Abs[2]>, <Abs[1],Abs[0],-Abs[2]>, <Abs[1],Abs[0],Abs[2]>, <Abs[1],Abs[2],-Abs[0]>, <Abs[1],Abs[2],Abs[0]>, <Abs[2],-Abs[1],-Abs[0]>, <Abs[2],-Abs[1],Abs[0]>, <Abs[2],-Abs[0],-Abs[1]>, <Abs[2],-Abs[0],Abs[1]>, <Abs[2],Abs[0],-Abs[1]>, <Abs[2],Abs[0],Abs[1]>, <Abs[2],Abs[1],-Abs[0]>, <Abs[2],Abs[1],Abs[0]>, }
#declare DarkbrownVertices = array[24]{0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46};
#declare LightbrownVertices = array[24]{1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 47};
#declare Edges = array[72]{array[2]{16, 24}, array[2]{43, 45}, array[2]{25, 33}, array[2]{46, 47}, array[2]{20, 28}, array[2]{11, 13}, array[2]{33, 41}, array[2]{18, 26}, array[2]{44, 46}, array[2]{5, 13}, array[2]{36, 44}, array[2]{11, 19}, array[2]{7, 15}, array[2]{2, 10}, array[2]{13, 21}, array[2]{34, 42}, array[2]{6, 14}, array[2]{10, 12}, array[2]{3, 11}, array[2]{9, 17}, array[2]{19, 27}, array[2]{35, 37}, array[2]{31, 39}, array[2]{40, 41}, array[2]{42, 44}, array[2]{29, 31}, array[2]{1, 3}, array[2]{25, 27}, array[2]{29, 37}, array[2]{5, 7}, array[2]{21, 29}, array[2]{45, 47}, array[2]{34, 36}, array[2]{24, 26}, array[2]{38, 39}, array[2]{23, 31}, array[2]{30, 38}, array[2]{12, 20}, array[2]{16, 18}, array[2]{8, 16}, array[2]{2, 4}, array[2]{21, 23}, array[2]{35, 43}, array[2]{28, 30}, array[2]{6, 7}, array[2]{37, 45}, array[2]{32, 40}, array[2]{41, 43}, array[2]{40, 42}, array[2]{14, 15}, array[2]{17, 19}, array[2]{24, 32}, array[2]{39, 47}, array[2]{4, 6}, array[2]{14, 22}, array[2]{26, 34}, array[2]{27, 35}, array[2]{28, 36}, array[2]{3, 5}, array[2]{0, 8}, array[2]{4, 12}, array[2]{10, 18}, array[2]{1, 9}, array[2]{15, 23}, array[2]{8, 9}, array[2]{22, 30}, array[2]{38, 46}, array[2]{0, 2}, array[2]{32, 33}, array[2]{20, 22}, array[2]{17, 25}, array[2]{0, 1}};
#declare Faces = array[26]{array[7]{P[9], P[17], P[19], P[11], P[3], P[1], P[9]}, array[9]{P[33], P[32], P[24], P[16], P[8], P[9], P[17], P[25], P[33]}, array[9]{P[43], P[41], P[40], P[42], P[44], P[46], P[47], P[45], P[43]}, array[9]{P[30], P[38], P[39], P[31], P[23], P[15], P[14], P[22], P[30]}, array[7]{P[5], P[13], P[21], P[23], P[15], P[7], P[5]}, array[5]{P[2], P[4], P[12], P[10], P[2]}, array[7]{P[31], P[29], P[37], P[45], P[47], P[39], P[31]}, array[9]{P[36], P[34], P[26], P[18], P[10], P[12], P[20], P[28], P[36]}, array[7]{P[18], P[16], P[8], P[0], P[2], P[10], P[18]}, array[7]{P[34], P[26], P[24], P[32], P[40], P[42], P[34]}, array[7]{P[28], P[30], P[38], P[46], P[44], P[36], P[28]}, array[7]{P[27], P[35], P[43], P[41], P[33], P[25], P[27]}, array[7]{P[4], P[6], P[14], P[22], P[20], P[12], P[4]}, array[5]{P[38], P[39], P[47], P[46], P[38]}, array[5]{P[0], P[8], P[9], P[1], P[0]}, array[9]{P[7], P[5], P[3], P[1], P[0], P[2], P[4], P[6], P[7]}, array[9]{P[35], P[37], P[29], P[21], P[13], P[11], P[19], P[27], P[35]}, array[5]{P[7], P[15], P[14], P[6], P[7]}, array[5]{P[32], P[33], P[41], P[40], P[32]}, array[5]{P[18], P[16], P[24], P[26], P[18]}, array[5]{P[5], P[13], P[11], P[3], P[5]}, array[5]{P[35], P[43], P[45], P[37], P[35]}, array[5]{P[34], P[36], P[44], P[42], P[34]}, array[5]{P[22], P[30], P[28], P[20], P[22]}, array[5]{P[21], P[23], P[31], P[29], P[21]}, array[5]{P[19], P[17], P[25], P[27], P[19]}};
#for( Index, 0, dimension_size(DarkbrownVertices, 1) - 1 )
sphere{ P[DarkbrownVertices[Index]], RadVert }
pigment{ color Darkbrown }
#for( Index, 0, dimension_size(LightbrownVertices, 1) - 1 )
sphere{ P[LightbrownVertices[Index]], RadVert }
pigment{ color Lightbrown }
#for( Index, 0, dimension_size(Edges, 1) - 1 )
#local EdgeArray = Edges[Index];
cylinder{ P[EdgeArray[0]], P[EdgeArray[1]], RadEdge }
pigment{ color EdgeColor }
#for( Index, 0, dimension_size(Faces, 1) - 1 )
#local FaceArray = Faces[Index];
#local LenOfFaceArray = dimension_size(FaceArray, 1);
polygon{ LenOfFaceArray,
#for(VertexIndexInFace, 0, LenOfFaceArray-1)
pigment{ color FaceColor }
scale .92
///////////////////////////////////////////////// ingredients to create the 24 rotations (light vertices)
// All 48 permutations of the full octahedral group are products of the ones in the two arrays below.
// The words 'row' and 'column' come from a context of left action, where r*c means c is executed first.
// Povray uses right action though, so to execute c first one has to write `transform{ c r }`.
#declare RowTransformations = array[8]{
transform{ },
transform{ scale -x },
transform{ scale -z },
transform{ rotate 180*y },
transform{ scale -y },
transform{ rotate 180*z },
transform{ rotate 180*x },
transform{ scale <-1, -1, -1> }
#declare ColTransformations = array[6]{
transform{ },
transform{ scale -z rotate -90*y },
transform{ scale -y rotate -90*x },
transform{ rotate 90*x rotate 90*z },
transform{ rotate -90*z rotate -90*x },
transform{ scale -x rotate -90*z }
// The following array contains the 24 pairs (r, c) for which r*c (or `transform{ c r }`) is an even permutation.
#declare RowCol = array[24]{
array[2]{0, 0}, array[2]{0, 3}, array[2]{0, 4},
array[2]{1, 1}, array[2]{1, 2}, array[2]{1, 5},
array[2]{2, 1}, array[2]{2, 2}, array[2]{2, 5},
array[2]{3, 0}, array[2]{3, 3}, array[2]{3, 4},
array[2]{4, 1}, array[2]{4, 2}, array[2]{4, 5},
array[2]{5, 0}, array[2]{5, 3}, array[2]{5, 4},
array[2]{6, 0}, array[2]{6, 3}, array[2]{6, 4},
array[2]{7, 1}, array[2]{7, 2}, array[2]{7, 5}
///////////////////////////////////////////////// permute and place the JF compounds
// even permutations (light)
#declare LetterJF = object{
translate P[2]
#for( Index, 0, 23 )
#local Row = RowCol[Index][0];
#local Col = RowCol[Index][1];
#local RowTrans = RowTransformations[Row];
#local ColTrans = ColTransformations[Col];
transform{ ColTrans RowTrans }
// odd permutations (dark) as reflection of the even ones
#declare LetterJF = object{
translate P[2]
#for( Index, 0, 23 )
#local Row = RowCol[Index][0];
#local Col = RowCol[Index][1];
#local RowTrans = RowTransformations[Row];
#local ColTrans = ColTransformations[Col];
transform{ ColTrans RowTrans }
scale -x
Items portrayed in this file
subiectul reprezentat
source of file engleză
original creation by uploader engleză
25 februarie 2018
Istoricul fișierului
Apăsați pe Data și ora pentru a vedea versiunea trimisă atunci.
Data și ora | Miniatură | Dimensiuni | Utilizator | Comentariu | |
actuală | 25 februarie 2018 15:46 | ![]() | 3.904x3.852 (686 KB) | Watchduck |
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Acest fișier conține informații suplimentare, introduse probabil de aparatul fotografic digital sau scannerul care l-a generat. Dacă fișierul a fost modificat între timp, este posibil ca unele detalii să nu mai fie valabile.
Rezoluție orizontală | 28,35 dpc |
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Data și ora modificării fișierului | 25 februarie 2018 12:07 |
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