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Fișier:Gun-type fission weapon numlabels.svg

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Gun-type fission weapon (Little Boy).

  1. Conventional explosive (cordite) used to throw the bullet.
  2. Gun barrel
  3. Hollow uranium "bullet"
  4. Cylinder target
  1. Gwöndlichä Sprängstoff (Kordit), zums Gschoss z beschleunigä
  2. Lauf
  3. Hohls Urangschoss
  4. Zylindrischäs "Ziel"
  1. Konventioneller Sprengstoff (Kordit) zum Beschleunigen des "Geschosses"
  2. Lauf
  3. Hohles Urangeschoss
  4. Zylindrisches "Ziel"
Français :  
  1. Explosif conventionnel (cordite) utilisé pour lancer la balle en uranium.
  2. Canon
  3. "Balle" creuse en uranium
  4. Cible cylindrique
Sursă Based on an illustration by FastFission (Image:Gun-type Nuclear weapon.png) and a modified version by Howard Morland (Image:Gun-Type Fission Weapon.png). The bullet and the target were slighty modified (the bullet was a stack of rings).
Autor Vector version by Dake.
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Descriere fișier

The modification is based on the book by John Coster-Mullen, "Atomic Bombs," and his drawing on page 112 of the 2003 printing. His work is accepted and supported by other authors in this field including Richard Rhodes, Robert Norris, Carey Sublette, and Howard Morland.

Unlike all previous published drawings of this type, the Coster-Mullen drawing shows the hollow piece as the projectile, rather than the target. This modification also reverses the direction of motion in the FastFission drawing. FastFission has agreed to accept the modification. -- User:HowardMorland

Gun-type w:nuclear weapon ("w:Little Boy"), created by User:Fastfission in Adobe Illustrator.

This is not, of course, a technically accurate portrayal of the Little Boy weapon that was dropped on Hiroshima -- many aesthetic liberties have been taken for the purpose of explaining the gun-type concept (for example, as far as is known, the bullet fired from the rear of the device to the target in the front of the device, but if had been drawn that way, you could not see the hole in the target into which the bullet would fit). The purpose of this diagram is to explain the concept and still ground it in a real technological object; an attempt to have the benefits of abstraction without the detriment of forgetting that these are real objects. -- User:Fastfission


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septembrie 2007

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actuală19 septembrie 2007 23:35Miniatură pentru versiunea din 19 septembrie 2007 23:35670x350 (66 KB)Dake~commonswiki{{Information |Description=Gun-type fission weapon (Little Boy). #Conventional explosive (cordite) used to throw the bullet. #Gun barrel #Hollow uranium "bullet" #Cylinder target |Source=Based on an illustration by FastFission ([[:Image:Gun-type Nuclear

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