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Fișier:Makariv rajon coat of arms.jpg

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Makariv_rajon_coat_of_arms.jpg (185 × 195 pixeli, mărime fișier: 44 KB, tip MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: Coat of arms of Makariv Raion (Kyiv Oblast Ukraine)
Українська: ГЕРБ Mакарівський район Київської області. В центрі композиції розташований прямокутний зверху та заокруглений знизу щит. Співвідношення висоти до ширини щита 8:7. Щит розділений горизонтально синьою хвилястою смугою на дві рівні частини. У верхній частині щита зображена розкрита книга срібного кольору, на тлі книги розміщений православний хрест.
Dată Dată necunoscută
Українська: заслужений художник України А. Марчук, історик В. Обухівський
(Reutilizarea acestui fișier)
This română translation of the template is outdated. Please update it from the latest українська version, and remove the {{Outdated translation}} tag after the update.
If there is any inconsistency between română translation and other ones, the latest українська version takes precedence.
Public domain
According to the Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine on Copyright and Related rights this work is in the public domain within Ukraine and possibly in other jurisdictions because it is one of the following:
  • (a) daily news or details of current events that constitute regular press information;
  • (b) works of folk art (folklore);
  • (c) official documents of a political, legislative or administrative nature (laws, decrees, resolutions, court awards, State standards, etc.) issued by government authorities within their powers, and official translations thereof;
  • (d) State symbols of Ukraine, government awards; symbols and signs of government authorities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations; symbols of territorial communities; symbols and signs of enterprises, institutions and organizations; (includes postage stamps)
  • (e) coins and banknotes;
  • (f) transport schedules, TV and radio broadcast schedules, telephone directories and other similar databases that do not meet the originality criteria and to which the sui generis right (a particular or special right) is applicable;
Note that drafts of anything that falls under sections (d) and (e), unless officially approved, are under copyright.

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală3 aprilie 2008 05:08Miniatură pentru versiunea din 3 aprilie 2008 05:08185x195 (44 KB)Ilyaroz{{Information |Description= {{en|Coat of arms of Makariv Raion (Kyiv Oblast Ukraine)}}{{uk|ГЕРБ Mакарівський район Київської області. В центрі композиції розташований прямокутний

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