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Norsk bokmål: Ved kirkegården i Buzuluk. Ca 80 lik, for det meste barn, ble begravet i en fellesgrav etter at klærne var tatt av for bruk til overlevende. Fridtjof Nansen skrev i telegrammet fra Moskva til Røde Kors 9.12.1921: «(...) In churchyard was pile of about eighty corpses chiefly children all stripped as clothes required for survivors stop That was two days harvest of deathcarts (...)» Ett av bildene fra reisen til Russland i november og desember 1921. På oppdrag fra Det Internasjonale Røde Kors besøkte Fridtjof Nansen områder som ble hardest rammet av hungersnøden.
English: At the cemetery in Buzuluk. Approximately 80 corpses, mostly children, were buried in a common grave after the clothes were stripped off, to be used by the survivors. Fridtjof Nansen wrote in the telegram from Moscow to the Red Cross on Dec. 9, 1921: «(...) In churchyard was pile of about eighty corpses chiefly children all stripped as clothes required for survivors stop That was two days harvest of deathcarts (...)» One of the pictures from Russia in November and December 1921. On assignment from the International Red Cross, Fridtjof Nansen visited the regions that were the hardest hit by famine.
Deutsch: Auf dem Friedhof in Buzuluk. Ca. 80 Leichen, vor allem Kinder, die in einem Gemeinschaftsgrab begraben wurden, nachdem die Kleider für Überlebende genommen wurden. Fridtjof Nansen schrieb am 9.12.1921 im Telegramm von Moskau an das Rote Kreuz: ³(Š) In Churchyard was pile of about eighty corpses chiefly children all stripped as clothes required for survivors stop That was two day harvest of deathcarts (Š)². Eines der Bilder von der Reise nach Russland im November und Dezember 1912. Im Auftrag vom Internationalen Roten Kreuz besuchte Fridtjof Nansen die Gebiete, die am meisten von der Hungernot betroffen waren.
Español: Del cemeterio en Buzuluk. Apoximadamente 80 cuerpos, la mayoría de ellos niños, furon enterrados en una fosa común después de haberles quitado la ropa para que los sobrevivientes pudieran usarla. Fridtjof Nansen escribió en el telegrama a la Cruz Roja de Moscú el 9 de diciembre de 1921: «(...) In the churchyard was a pile of about eighty corpses chiefly children all stripped as clothes required for survivors stop That was two days harvest of deathcarts (...)». Una de las fotos del viaje a Rusia en noviembre y diciembre de 1921. Como encargado de la Cruz Roja Internacional, Fridtjof Nansen visitó las zonas que fueron más duramente castigadas por el hambre.
Nederlands: Op het kerkhof in Buzuluk. Circa 80 lijken, waarvan de meeste kinderen, werden gemeenschappelijk begraven, nadat de kleren weggehaald waren voor de overlevenden. Fridtjof Nansen schreef in een telegram aan het Rode Kruis op 9 december 1921 vanuit Moskou: ³(...) Op het kerkhof lag een stapel van circa tachtig lijken hoofdzakelijk kinderen alle naakt want kleren nodig voor overlevenden stop Dat was de tol van twee dagen (...)² Een foto uit Rusland van november en december 1921. Het Internationale Rode Kruis stuurde Fridtjof Nansen naar de gebieden die het meest door voedseltekort waren getroffen.
loc reprezentat: Russland, Buzuluk
Dată înainte de 1921
date QS:P,+1921-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1326,+1921-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

"Fridtjof Nansen bildearkiv"

institution QS:P195,Q924551
Fridtjof Nansen  (1861–1930)  wikidata:Q72292 s:en:Author:Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen q:ro:Fridtjof Nansen
Fridtjof Nansen
Nume alternative
Nume la naștere: Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen
Descriere zoolog, polar explorer, diplomat, profesor universitar, politician și fotograf norvegian
Data nașterii/decesului  Modificați la Wikidata 13 mai 1930 Modificați la Wikidata
Locul nașterii/decesului Oslo Polhøgda Modificați la Wikidata
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q72292
This file is a digital replica of a document or a part of a document available at the National Library of Norway under the URN no-nb_nansen_2644.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

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Public domain This image is in the public domain in Norway because images not considered to be "works of art" become public domain 50 years after creation, provided that more than 15 years have passed since the photographer's death or the photographer is unknown.

This is according to § 23 in the Norwegian Åndsverkloven.

Under the former photo law, protection ended 25 years after creation, provided that more than 15 years had passed since the photographer's death or the photographer is unknown. The image is in the public domain if the protection ended before 29 June 1995 under the older term.[1]

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Images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons must also be in the public domain in the United States. A Norwegian work that is in the public domain in Norway is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Norway in 1996 and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the effect of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.)

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală26 august 2014 15:02Miniatură pentru versiunea din 26 august 2014 15:023.349x3.279 (1,32 MB)SteinsplitterCropped 54 % horizontally and 39 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
31 iulie 2014 19:44Miniatură pentru versiunea din 31 iulie 2014 19:447.210x5.410 (3,39 MB)Nasjonalbiblioteket-botFrom the Norwegian National Library: Fridtjof Nansen - 1921

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