Persoana care a asociat o operă cu acest document o oferă domeniului public, renunțând la toate drepturile asupra operei, în toată lumea, atât în ce privește drepturile de autor cât și orice alte drepturi juridice conexe pe care le avea asupra operei, în măsura permisă de lege. Puteți copia, modifica sau distribui opera, inclusiv în scopuri comerciale, fără a fi necesară permisiunea autorului. Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedicationfalsefalse
The reproduction of this work is covered under the article XI.190 of the Code of Economic Law, which states that "Once a work has been lawfully published, its author may not prohibit: [...] 2/1°. reproduction and communication to the public of works of plastic, graphic or architectural art designed to be placed on a permanent basis in public places, provided that the reproduction or the communication of the work is as it is found there and that this reproduction or communication does not infringe upon the normal exploitation of the work and does not cause unreasonable harm to the legitimate interests of the author [...]."
See COM:CRT/Belgium#Freedom of panorama for more information.