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Fișier:The Great Aerial Exploit of Lieut Warneford.jpg

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English: An artist's impression of the destruction of German Zeppelin LZ37 by Sub-Lieutenant Reginald Warneford on 7 June 1915.

Drawing from The War Illustrated, 19 June 1915. Caption reads:

The Great Aerial Exploit of Lieut. Warneford: For skill and daring the magnificent exploit of Flight Sub-Lieut. Warneford, V.C., has rarely been equalled. While flying at a great height between Bruges and Ghent he encountered a Zeppelin. Quickly rising above it, he swooped down and launched bombs on the massive airship. A loud explosion followed, and the Zeppelin caught fire and fell to earth. The explosion caused the British machine to turn several somersaults, during which the petrol escaped from the rear tank and the pilot had to descend in the German lines. He managed to refill the empty tank, restart his engine, soar again into the air, and return safely to the British lines. Within thirty-six hours after his heroic deed the King had conferred the V.C. on the young aviator.

The War Illustrated Album Deluxe edition, Vol IV, page 1347 (for a better quality).

Originally published in The War Illustrated, Vol.2, № 44, page 423.
Alte versiuni This file was derived from: The War Illustrated, Album De Luxe, Vol. IV, page 1347.jpg

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You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.
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19 iunie 1915Gregorian

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală14 iunie 2023 17:32Miniatură pentru versiunea din 14 iunie 2023 17:322.313x2.968 (2,03 MB)HarmonizatorSlightly croped
14 iunie 2023 17:01Miniatură pentru versiunea din 14 iunie 2023 17:012.315x2.971 (2,56 MB)Harmonizatorbetter quality, from the Album Deluxe
13 aprilie 2005 08:57Miniatură pentru versiunea din 13 aprilie 2005 08:57696x900 (158 KB)Gsl~commonswiki

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