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Fișier:Theridula angula at Kadavoor.jpg

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Theridula angula Tikader, 1970

English: Theridula angula is a cobweb spider, found in many (mostly tropical) parts of the world. Species vary in size from 1 to 3.5 mm in length. The prominent black spots seen on the body can be confused as eyes because it has 2 of these spots symmetrically placed on its shoulders. It has another pair of these spots on the lower end of the abdomen. Here she was moving from one tree to another carrying the egg sac.

Theridula spiders are frequently found on bushes or tall grass where they rest on the undersides of leaves near their webs.
Loc reprezentat
English: Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
Dată 27 noiembrie 2010
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actuală27 martie 2014 13:15Miniatură pentru versiunea din 27 martie 2014 13:152.048x1.536 (897 KB)Jkadavoor{{User:Jkadavoor/spec |Taxon=Theridula angula |Authority=Tikader, 1970 |Description={{mld |en = ''{{w|Theridula angula}}'' is a cobweb spider, found in many (mostly tropical) parts of the world. Species vary in size from 1 to 3.5 mm...

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