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Listă de actori care l-au interpretat pe Iisus

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Howard Gaye ca Iisus: „Cel fără de păcat dintre voi să arunce cel dintâi piatra asupra ei.” (Intolerance, 1916)

Aceasta este o listă de actori de film care l-au interpretat pe Iisus din Nazaret.

Listă de actori care l-au portretizat pe Iisus
Robert Henderson-Bland From the Manger to the Cross; or, Jesus of Nazareth 1912 Sidney Olcott [1]
Alberto Pasquali Christus 1916 Giulio Antamoro [2]
Howard Gaye Intoleranță 1916 D. W. Griffith [3]
Gregori Chmara I.N.R.I. 1923 Robert Wiene [4]
H.B. Warner The King of Kings 1927 Cecil B. DeMille [5]
Robert Le Vigan Golgotha 1935 Julien Duvivier [6]
José Cibrián Jesús de Nazareth 1942 José Díaz Morales [7]
Luis Alcoriza María Magdalena: Pecadora de Magdala 1946 Miguel Contreras Torres [8]
Luis Alcoriza Reina de reinas: La Virgen María 1948 Miguel Contreras Torres [9]
Enrique Rambal El mártir del Calvario 1952 Miguel Morayta [10]
José Nieto El beso de Judas 1954 Rafael Gil [11]
Jon Shepodd The Power of the Resurrection 1958 Harold D. Schuster [12]
Claude Heater Ben-Hur 1959 William Wyler [13]
Jeffrey Hunter Regele regilor 1961 Nicholas Ray [14]
Enrique Irazoqui Evanghelia după Matei 1963 Pier Paolo Pasolini [15]
Max von Sydow The Greatest Story Ever Told 1965 George Stevens [16]
Enrique Rocha El proceso de Cristo 1966 Julio Bracho [17]
Colin Blakely The Wednesday Play - Son of Man 1969 Gareth Davies [18]
Claudio Brook Jesús, nuestro Señor 1971 Miguel Zacarías [19]
Alfredo Melher Jesús, el niño Dios 1971 Miguel Zacarías [20]
David Bravo, Jorge España, José Alberto Castro Jesús, María y José 1972 Miguel Zacarías [21]
Trevor White Jesus Christ Superstar 1972 Sandy Harbutt, Bill Hughes [22]
Victor Garber Godspell 1973 David Greene [23]
Robert Elfstrom Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus 1973 Robert Elfstrom [24]
Ted Neeley Jesus Christ Superstar 1973 Norman Jewison [25]
Pier Maria Rossi Il messia 1975 Roberto Rossellini [26]
Zalman King The Passover Plot 1976 Michael Campus [27]
Robert Powell Isus din Nazaret 1976 Franco Zeffirelli [28]
Brian Deacon Iisus 1979 Peter Sykes, John Krisch [29]
Claudio Brook La vida de nuestro señor Jesucristo 1980 Miguel Zacarías [30]
Michael Brynntrup Jesus - Der Film 1986 Michael Brynntrup, Jörg Buttgereit [31]
Willem Dafoe The Last Temptation of Christ 1988
Bruce Marchiano The Visual Bible: Matthew 1997
Bruce Marchiano The Visual Bible: Acts 1994
Jeremy Sisto Iisus 1999
Christian Bale Mary, Mother of Jesus 1999
Glenn Carter Jesus Christ Superstar 2000
Nicholas Rogers María, hija de su Hijo 2000
Ralph Fiennes (voce) The Miracle Maker 2000
Henry Ian Cusick Evanghelia după Ioan 2003 Philip Saville [32]
Jim Caviezel Patimile lui Hristos 2004 Mel Gibson
Jonathan Scarfe Judas 2004
Johannes Brandrup San Pietro 2005
Pablo Moreno Jesús, el peregrino de la luz 2006
The Nativity Story 2006
Fabrizio Bucci The Inquiry (L'inchiesta) 2006 Giulio Base [33]
Ahmad Soleimani Nia Mesia 2007 Nader Talebzadeh [34]
Diogo Morgado[1] The Bible 2013 Roma Downey and Mark Burnett [35]
Diogo Morgado Son of God 2014 Christopher Spencer [36]
Cliff Curtis Risen (Misterul înălțării) 2016 Kevin Reynolds [37]
Adam Greaves-Neal The Young Messiah 2016 Cyrus Nowrasteh
Joaquin Phoenix Maria Magdalena 2018 Garth Davis [38]
Adam Bond Good Omens 2019 Douglas Mackinnon

Referințe și note

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  1. ^ Hines, Ree (). Bible, Son of God star Diogo Morgado 'freaked out' about playing Jesus”. Today. Today. Accesat în . 

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