Andrews (nume de familie)
Andrews este un nume de familie patronimic, frecvent în arealul insulelor britanice.
Este larg răspândit în Anglia și Irlanda, dar mai puțin comun în Scoția. În Anglia era concentrat în trecut în Herefordshire și Shropshire, iar în Irlanda este concentrat mai ales în Dublin, capitala țării și în jurul acesteia.
Deși se presupune frecvent că ar fi un nume de familie scoțian, datorită numelui sfântului omonim (în limba română, Sfântul apostol Andrei), care este sfântul patronator al țării, numele sub forma de Andrews este rar întâlnit, fiind în schimb frecvent întâlnit sub variantele de Anderson ori McAndrew. Această observație bazată de frecvența de repetiție a numărului nu înseamnă că numele nu ar fi scoțian. Utilizarea numelui Andrews în Scoția poate fi depistată în regiunea numită Caithness din nord-estul extrem al Scoției.
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- A. W. Andrews, British pioneer rock-climber
- Allan Andrews, Politician australian
- Anthony Andrews, British actor (born 1948) (Under the Volcano)
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- Brittany Andrews, American porn actress
- Bruce Andrews, American poet
- Bryan Andrews, New Zealand cricketer
- Charles Andrews, one of several people including
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- T. Coleman Andrews, American presidential candidate
- Dana Andrews (1909–1992), American actor and President of the Screen Actors Guild
- Daniel Andrews, Australian politician
- David Andrews (born 1936), Irish politician, son of Todd Andrews
- David Andrews, Jr., Irish comedian David McSavage, son of the politician
- David Andrews (actor), American actor (born 1952) (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, JAG)
- A. David Andrews, Irish astronomer
- Del Andrews, American director and screenwriter (1894–1942) (The Racket, All Quiet on the Western Front)
- Deno Andrews, American billiards player
- Don Andrews, Canadian politician
- Donald Andrews, American economist
- Donna Andrews, American golfer
- Donna Andrews (writer), American writer
- Eamonn Andrews (1922–1987), Irish television presenter
- Edward Andrews, American actor
- Elisha Benjamin Andrews, American economist
- Elizabeth Andrews, Labour Party organiser in Wales
- Elizabeth Bullock Andrews, U.S. congresswoman from Alabama
- Erin Andrews, American broadcaster
- Esao Andrews, painter
- Frank Andrews (1884–1943), American general
- Frank Andrews (singer), New Zealand singer
- Fred Andrews, (1864-1929) Welsh rugby player
- George Andrews, American mathematician
- George Andrews (rugby player), Welsh rugby player
- George Henry Andrews, Liberian politician
- George Leonard Andrews, American Civil War general
- Gerald Smedley Andrews, Canadian surveyor
- Giuseppe Andrews, American actor and director
- Harold Marcus Ervine-Andrews, Irish soldier
- Harry Andrews, British actor (1911–1989) (The Ruling Class)
- Harvey Andrews, British folk musician
- Henry Andrews, British astronomer
- Henry Charles Andrews, an English botanist, botanical artist and engraver
- Henry John Andrews, British Army officer
- Ike Franklin Andrews, American politician
- Inez Andrews, American gospel singer
- Jack Andrews, Northern Ireland politician, son of John Miller Andrews
- James Andrews (physician), orthopedic surgeon
- James J. Andrews, spy of the American Civil War
- James Pettit Andrews (c. 1737 – 1797), English historian
- Jay Andrews, name used by American film director Jim Wynorski
- Jessica Andrews, American country singer
- Jim Andrews (1865–1907), American baseball player
- John Bertram Andrews, American economist
- John Miller Andrews, Northern Ireland politician
- John Nevins Andrews, American Seventh-day Adventist Church missionary
- Julie Andrews (born 1935), British actress
- Kaare Andrews, Canadian comic book artist
- Kay Andrews, Baroness Andrews, British politician
- Keith Andrews, one of several people including
- Ken Andrews, American musician
- Kenneth R Andrews (1916–2005), academic and a 'father' of Corporate Strategy
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- LaVerne Andrews, American singer (1911–1967) (Andrews Sisters)
- Lee Andrews (born 1984), English footballer
- Lloyd Andrews, Canadian ice hockey player
- Lois Andrews, American actress
- Lori Andrews, American law professor
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- Marvin Andrews, soccer player from Trinidad and Tobago
- Maxene Andrews, American singer (1916–1995) (Andrews Sisters)
- Michael Andrews, one of several people including
- Michelle Andrews, Australian field hockey midfielder
- Mike Andrews, American baseball player
- Naveen Andrews, British actor
- Niall Andrews, Irish politician
- Pamela Andrews, fictional character from Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded
- Patty Andrews, American singer (born 1918) (Andrews Sisters)
- Paul Andrews, one of several people including
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- Phil Andrews, British racing driver
- Quinton Andrews, American football player
- Richard Andrews, American soldier
- Rob Andrews, American politician
- Robert Andrews, British actor
- Roy Chapman Andrews (1884–1960), American explorer, adventurer and naturalist
- Ryan McDonald Andrews, U.S. Army Murder Combat Team Operator
- Samuel Andrews, Anglo-American inventor
- Samuel James Andrews (1817–1906), Irvingite divine
- Shane Andrews, American baseball player
- Shawn Andrews, American football player
- Simon Andrews (dezambiguizare), one of several people including
- Stephen Pearl Andrews, American anarchist
- Sybil Andrews, Canadian artist
- Theresa Andrews (born 1962), American backstroke swimmer
- Thomas Andrews (dezambiguizare), one of several people including
- Todd Andrews, Irish Republican politician, Fianna Fáil founder
- Tommie Lee Andrews, first person to be convicted as a result of DNA evidence
- Tommy Andrews, Australian cricketer
- Tracie Andrews, British convicted murderer
- V. C. Andrews, American writer
- Wayne Andrews, English footballer
- William Andrews, one of several people including
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