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Brad Steiger

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Brad Steiger
Date personale
Născut (88 de ani)
Fort Dodge, Iowa
Decedat (82 de ani) Modificați la Wikidata
Mason City⁠(d), Iowa, SUA Modificați la Wikidata
Căsătorit cuSherry Hansen Steiger (m. 1987)
Cetățenie Statele Unite ale Americii Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba engleză[1] Modificați la Wikidata
StudiiLuther College (Iowa)
University of Iowa
Activitatea literară
Specie literarăParanormal
Prezență online

Brad Steiger (n. , Fort Dodge⁠(d), Iowa, SUA – d. , Mason City⁠(d), Iowa, SUA) a fost un autor american de lucrări de ficțiune și de non-ficțiune despre paranormal, spiritualitate, OZN-uri, crime reale și biografii.

Steiger s-a născut ca Eugene E. Olson la 19 februarie 1936[4] la Spitalul Luteran din Fort Dodge, Iowa în timpul unui viscol. A crescut la o fermă din Bode, Iowa.

El a fost luteran până la vârsta de unsprezece ani, atunci când o experiență aproape de moarte i-a schimbat convingerile sale religioase. Părinții săi l-au încurajat să devină profesor.[5] A absolvit Colegiul Luteran din Iowa în 1957 și Universitatea din Iowa în 1963. A predat limba engleză la liceu înainte de a preda literatura și scrierea creativă la fostul său colegiu în perioada 1963 - 1967.[4]

Steiger pretinde că a scris prima sa carte la vârsta de șapte ani.[5] Prima sa carte, Ghosts, Ghouls and Other Peculiar People, a fost publicată în 1965. El a devenit scriitor profesionist în 1967.[4] Este autorul/co-autorul a cca. 170 de cărți, care s-au vândut în cca. 17 milioane de exemplare. De asemenea, a scris biografiile unor actori ca Greta Garbo, Judy Garland sau Rudolph Valentino, aceasta din urmă fiind adaptată într-un film în 1977.[6] Alături de soția sa, Sherry Hansen Steiger, a scris Four-legged Miracles: Heartwarming Tales of Lost Dogs' Journeys Home (cu sensul de Miracole cu patru picioare: Povestiri emoționante ale unor câini pierduți care s-au întors acasă).

Steiger a apărut în emisiuni radiofonice ale Coast to Coast AM[7] sau în cadrul Jeff Rense Program.[6]

Căsătorie și familie

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Din 1987, Steiger este căsătorit cu Sherry Hansen Steiger, autor și predicator. Au cinci copii și nouă nepoți.[5]

  • 1974: San Francisco, Genie, pentru Scriitorul metafizic al Anului (Metaphysical Writer of the Year)
  • 1977: Philadelphia, Dani, pentru Servicii pentru Umanitate (Services to Humanity)
  • 1987: Adăugat în Hypnosis Hall of Fame
  • 1996: Minneapolis, premiul pentru munca de o viață (Lifetime Achievement Award) în cadrul conferinței naționale privind OZN-urile și fenomene inexplicabile (National UFO and Unexplained Phenomena Conference)
  1. — (). Monsters, Maidens, and Mayhem: A Pictorial History of Hollywood Film Monsters. 
  2. — (). Bizarre Beauties: History’s Most Fatal Females. 
  3. — (). Sensual Secret Agents. 
  4. — (). Ghosts, Ghouls, and Other Peculiar People. 
  5. — (). Garbo. 
  6. — (). Strange Guests. 
  7. — (). The Unknown. 
  8. — (). Strangers from the Skies. 
  9. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). „The Flying Saucer Menace”. 
  10. — (). World of the Weird. 
  11. — (). ESP: Your Sixth Sense. 
  12. — (). Valentino. 
  13. — (). Flying Saucers Are Hostile. 
  14. — (). The Mass Murderer. 
  15. — (). The Enigma of Reincarnation. 
  16. — (). Strange Men and Women. 
  17. — (). Beyond Unseen Boundaries. 
  18. — (). Treasure Hunting. 
  19. — (). Strange Powers of Prophecy. 
  20. — (). Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Minds. 
  21. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). Pendragon: A Clairvoyant’s Power of Prophecy. 
  22. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). The Occult World of John Pendragon. 
  23. — (). Voices from Beyond. 
  24. — (). The Allende Letters: New UFO Breakthrough. 
  25. — (). „The Allende Letters”. 
  26. — (). In My Soul I Am Free. 
  27. — (). Strange Powers of Healing. 
  28. — (). Sex and the Supernatural. 
  29. — (). The Mind Travelers. 
  30. — (). Cupid and the Stars. 
  31. — (). The Tarot. 
  32. — (). Sex and Satanism. 
  33. — (). Judy Garland. 
  34. — (). How To Use ESP. 
  35. — (). The Weird, the Wild, and the Wicked. 
  36. — (). Other Lives. 
  37. — (). The Abominable Snowman. 
  38. — (). Strange Powers of ESP. 
  39. — (). Weird Unsolved Mysteries. 
  40. — (). Flying Saucer Invasion: Target Earth. 
  41. — (). The Underpeople. 
  42. — (). The Johnny Cash Story. 
  43. — (). What the Seers Predict in 1971. 
  44. — (). Handwriting Analysis. 
  45. — (). Know the Future Today: The Amazing Prophecies of Irene Hughes. 
  46. — (). The Country Music Scrapbook. 
  47. — (). Chaw Mank’s Psychic Diary of the Stars With Jeanyne Bezoier. 
  48. — (). Aquarian Revelations. 
  49. — (). What the Seers Predict for 1972. 
  50. — (). Minds Through Space and Time. 
  51. — (). Haunted Lovers / Otherworldly Affairs: Haunted Lovers, Phantom Spouses, and Sexual Molesters from the Shadow World). 
  52. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). Secrets of Kahuna Magic. 
  53. — (). Satan’s Assassins. 
  54. — (). The Psychic Feats of Olof Jonsson. 
  55. — (). Strange Encounters with Ghosts. 
  56. — (). America’s Leading Clairvoyants Reveal Their Predictions for 1973. 
  57. — (). Strange Disappearances. 
  58. — (). Irene Hughes on Psychic Safari. 
  59. — (). Revelation: The Divine Fire. 
  60. — (). The Devil Is Alive and Well and Living in America Today. 
  61. — (). Possession. 
  62. — (). Atlantis Rising. 
  63. — (). The Occult in the Orient. 
  64. — (). Psychic Travel. 
  65. — (). Mysteries of Time and Space. 
  66. — (). Medicine Power: The American Indian’s Revival of His Spiritual Heritage and Its Relevance for Modern Man. 
  67. — (). Medicine Talk: A Guide to Walking in Balance and Surviving on the Earth Mother. 
  68. — (). Words from the Source. 
  69. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game. 
  70. — (). The Strange World of Brad Steiger. 
  71. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). A Roadmap of Time. 
  72. — (). UFO Missionaries Extraordinary. 
  73. — (). Psychic City Chicago: Doorway to Another Dimension. 
  74. — (). Gods of Aquarius: UFOs and the Transformation of Man. 
  75. Steiger, Brad, ed. (). Project Bluebook. 
  76. — (). Alien Meetings. 
  77. — (). You Will Live Again. 
  78. — (). Worlds Before Our Own. 
  79. — (). The Hypnotist. 
  80. — (). Life Without Pain. 
  81. — (). Encounters of the Angelic Kind. 
  82. — (). The Chindi. 
  83. — (). The Star People. 
  84. — (). Unknown Powers. 
  85. — (). True Ghost Stories. 
  86. — (). The World Beyond Death. 
  87. — (). Astral Projection. 
  88. — (). Monsters Among Us. 
  89. — (). The Seed. 
  90. — (). Discover Your Own Past Lives. 
  91. — (). Thorpe’s Gold: An American Tragedy and Triumph. 
  92. — (). Brad Steiger Predicts the Future. 
  93. — (). The Love Force. 
  94. — (). American Indian Magic, Sacred Pow-Wows, and Hopi Prophecies. 
  95. — (). Stella: One Woman’s Victory Over Cancer. 
  96. — (). Demon Lovers. 
  97. — (). The Healing Power of Love. 
  98. — (). The Fellowship: Spiritual Contact Between Humans and Outer Space Beings. 
  99. — (). The UFO Abductors. 
  100. — (). Exploring the Power Within. 
  101. — (). Overlords of Atlantis and the Great Pyramids. 
  102. — (). The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Conspiracies. 
  103. — (). Ghosts Among Us. 
  104. — (). Hollywood and the Supernatural. 
  105. — (). The Promise. 
  106. — (). Demon Deaths. 
  107. — (). Indian Wisdom and Its Guiding Power. 
  108. — (). Beyond Belief. 
  109. — (). Mystical Legends of the Shamans. 
  110. — (). Montezuma’s Serpent and Other True Supernatural Tales of the Southwest. 
  111. — (). Bizarre Crime. 
  112. — (). Undying Love. 
  113. — (). The Other. 
  114. — (). The Teaching Power of Dreams. 
  115. — (). Starborn. 
  116. — (). Strange Powers of Pets. 
  117. — (). Super Scientists of Ancient Atlantis and Other Unknown Worlds. 
  118. — (). American Indian Dreambook. 
  119. — (). Amazing Moms. 
  120. — (). Cats Incredible!. 
  121. — (). The Rainbow Conspiracy / UFOs Are Here!. 
  122. — (). One with the Light: Authentic Near-Death Experiences that Changed Lives and Revealed the Beyond. 
  123. — (). More Strange Powers of Pets. 
  124. — (). Angels Over Their Shoulders: Children’s Encounters with Heavenly Beings. 
  125. — (). Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides: True Accounts of Benevolent Beings from the Other Side. 
  126. — (). Angels of Love: True Stories of Matches Made in Heaven. 
  127. — (). The Awful Thing in the Attic / Things that Go Bump in the Night and Other Shriekingly True Tales of Terror. 
  128. — (). Man and Dog. 
  129. — (). Children of the Light. 
  130. — (). Mysteries of Animal Intelligence. 
  131. — (). Other Worlds, Other Lives. 
  132. — (). Returning from the Light: How Awareness of Past Lives Can Illumine the Present and Change the Future. 
  133. — (). Mother Mary Speaks to Us. 
  134. — (). Angels Around the World. 
  135. — (). The Wisdom Teachings of Archangel Michael. 
  136. — (). Totems: The Transformative Power of Your Personal Animal Totem. 
  137. — (). Inside Heaven’s Gate. 
  138. — (). He Walks with Me: True Encounters with Jesus. 
  139. — (). Alien Rapture. 
  140. — (). The Source. 
  141. — (). UFO Odyssey. 
  142. — (). Touched by Heaven’s Light. 
  143. — (). Animal Miracles. 
  144. — (). The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. 
  145. — (). Shadow World. 
  146. — (). Out of the Dark: A Complete Guide to Beings from Beyond. 
  147. — (). Our Shared World of the Supernatural. 
  148. — (). Love Is a Miracle. 
  149. — (). Christmas Miracles. 
  150. — (). Dog Miracles. 
  151. — (). Miracles of a Mother’s Love. 
  152. — (). Baby Miracles. 
  153. — (). The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and the Unexplained. 
  154. — (). Cat Miracles. 
  155. — (). Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places. 
  156. — (). Horse Miracles. 
  157. — (). Miracles of Healing. 
  158. — (). Pet Miracles. 
  159. — (). Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier. 
  160. — (). Puppy Miracles. 
  161. — (). Angel Miracles. 
  162. — (). Real Angels: Guiding Spirits, Benevolent Beings, and Heavenly Hosts. 
  163. — (). Real Vampires, Night Stalkers, and Creatures from the Darkside. 
  164. — (). Santa Miracles: 50 True Stories that Celebrate the Most Magical Time of the Year. 
  165. — (). Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse. 
  166. — (). Forthcoming September 2010: Real Monsters, Creepy Creatures, and Nightmarish Beings. 
  167. — (). Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. 
  168. — (). The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. 
  169. — (). Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier. 
  170. — (). Atlantis Rising. 
  171. — (). Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places. 
  172. — (). Four-Legged Miracles: Heartwarming Tales of Lost Dogs' Journeys Home. 
  173. — (). The Awful Thing in the Attic. 
  174. — (). Monsters Among Us. 
  175. — (). Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldly Beings. 
  1. ^ CONOR.SI[*]  Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)
  2. ^ Brad Steiger, SNAC, accesat în  
  3. ^ Brad Steiger, Internet Speculative Fiction Database, accesat în  
  4. ^ a b c „Steiger, Brad (1936-)”. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. . 
  5. ^ a b c „The Dan Schneider Interview 10: Brad Steiger” (Interviu). Cosmoetica. . 
  6. ^ a b Steiger, Brad. „Brad”. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în . 
  7. ^ „Brad Steiger”. Coast to Coast AM. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în . 

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