Discuție:António Lobo Antunes
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Ultimul comentariu: acum 18 ani de AdiJapan
Articolul António Lobo Antunes trebuie să respecte îndrumările referitoare la biografiile personalităților în viață. Afirmațiile problematice și cele negative, în special cele calomnioase, introduse fără bibliografie sau cu o bibliografie insuficientă trebuie înlăturate pe loc. Regula celor trei reveniri nu se aplică în astfel de înlăturări de text. Inserarea repetată a unor astfel de afirmații se va raporta la pagina de reclamații. |
what kind of authorisation i gave to use a photo taken by me?
- I am claiming fair use of this photograph for the following reasons:
- the photo is used exclusively for informational purposes;
- the resolution of this copy is visibly lower than the original;
- the photo is used only in the article about António Lobo Antunes;
- no free photograph depicting the same individual could be found;
- it adds significantly to the article.
- — AdiJapan ☎ 5 iulie 2006 16:48 (EEST)
So if it add so much you just had the kindness of sending me a mail (my mail is available in my blog, where you found the picture) and ask me if you could use the photo in the article. This polite treatment wouldn't get me angry because I would agree the photo could be used in wikipedia. The photo was taken by me and was in my blog and I would like to be treated with a little bit more respect. Finito
- I apologize for not letting you know about using your picture in a Wikipedia article. I was in a hurry (as always...) and I thought that simply mentioning the origin of the photo in the image description page would be enough. My mistake. If you want to complain about my using of your photo, you can do so by contacting the Wikimedia Foundation, here: Copyright problems. However, I hope in the end you will give us the permission to use this valuable picture. Thank you. — AdiJapan ☎ 6 iulie 2006 09:59 (EEST)
I give the permission, of course, but I would like all the time you need something from my blog (pictures, articles or anything) you send me a mail to let me know. Nothing more. Take care