Discuție:Listă de filme despre Primul Război Mondial
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[modificare sursă]Right now, a lot of actors are being included.
Sometimes, the red links are ok. For example, the last man in Joyeux Noël is Dany Boon. Boon is famous in France and Belgium, so, yes, there might be a Romanian article for him some time in the future.
But many of the English-speaking actors are very minor. The sixth "star" of a New Zealand film? There will never be a need to give that man a Romanian article.
In English, we do not list actors on the list page, because we assume there is or will be an article.
Because fewer editors are working in Romanian, it is a good idea to include actors in the table here. But, in my opinion, it should be the three or four stars + people who are important enough to have articles in the future.
In Canada, Varlaam (discuție) 20 septembrie 2012 01:27 (EEST)
film antirăzboinic
[modificare sursă]Hedd Wyn is marked as film antirăzboinic, an anti-war film.
Except for the Romanian films, I have seen most of the films on this list. Almost all of them are antirăzboinic; some are a little anti-war, many are very anti-war.
The only film I would say is "pro-war" in any way is Sergeant York (1941). In 1941, the USA is neutral and that film was designed to make Americans see that sometimes it is important to go to war. But, even so, the first hour of that film is a debate about the morality of killing people -- that the Bible says it is wrong to kill.
I don't think we need to say "film antirăzboinic" because, really, all of the films are like that.
If there is a Nazi film that is pro-war then I would call the Nazi film "film prorăzboinic", and say nothing for the other films.
Varlaam (discuție) 20 septembrie 2012 01:57 (EEST)
- film antirăzboi / film antirăzboinic este tot un film de război --_florin DF 20 septembrie 2012 12:23 (EEST)
Filmul de război este un gen de film în care sunt descrise războaie, de obicei lupte aeriene, navale sau terestre, uneori concentrându-se în schimb pe prizonierii de război, operațiuni sub acoperire, instruirea militară sau alte subiecte conexe. Termenul de film anti-război este folosit uneori pentru a descrie filmele de război care prezintă privitorului în primul rând durerea și oroarea provocată de război, de multe ori dintr-o perspectivă politică sau ideologică.
- Obviously. I know what an anti-war film is.
- That is not what I am saying.
- Varlaam (discuție) 21 septembrie 2012 12:56 (EEST)