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Discuție:O Istorie Compilată a Dinastiei Yuan

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Ultimul comentariu: acum 1 an de Beta Lohman în subiectul Issues

Issues[modificare sursă]

@Beta Lohman: The title of the article (Continuare a Hongjianlu din istoria Yuan) and the name mentioned in the lead section (Continuarea cursurilor de istorie Hongjianlu Yuan) are not the same. The first sentence (Continuarea cursurilor de istorie Hongjianlu Yuan (chineză: 续弘简录元史类编; engleză Continuation of the Hongjianlu of the Yuan History), compilate de Shao Yuanping din dinastia Qing din China.) does not have any predicate. Also, please use the following quotation marks: and , not " and " (this is Romanian, not English). --NGC 54 (discuțiecontribuții) 21 august 2022 16:20 (EEST)Răspunde

The book has 3 titles in Chinese. I chose Continuarea cursurilor de istorie Hongjianlu Yuan (Continuation of the Hongjianlu of the Yuan History) when I translated from the text. --Beta LohmanOffice box 21 august 2022 16:27 (EEST)Răspunde
Not sure if I could type the special marks like „ also, I will research later.--Beta LohmanOffice box 21 august 2022 16:30 (EEST)Răspunde