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Discuție Utilizator:Honza Záruba

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(Redirecționat de la Discuție Utilizator:Zanatic)
Ultimul comentariu: acum 17 ani de Honza Záruba în subiectul Username

Cehia[modificare sursă]

Hello there! Is there a reason for which you wanted to move Republica Cehă to Cehia? Thanks! --Vlad|-> 8 ianuarie 2006 13:12 (EET)Răspunde

I prefer Cehia/Czechia/Česko in all languages, I searched Google and there were much more links to Cehia than "Republica Cehă", so I tried to move it. Zanatic 8 ianuarie 2006 13:15 (EET)Răspunde
Have you looked in the interwikis on the respective page:
[[an:Republica Checa]]
[[ast:República Checa]]
[[bn:চেক প্রজাতন্ত্র]]
[[csb:Czeskô Repùblika]]
[[cy:Gweriniaeth Tsiec]]
[[en:Czech Republic]]
[[es:República Checa]]
[[fr:République tchèque]]
[[ia:Republica Chec]]
[[it:Repubblica Ceca]]
[[na:Republik Czechia]]
[[pl:Republika Czeska]]
[[pt:República Checa]]
[[simple:Czech Republic]]
[[sr:Чешка Република]]
[[tr:Çek Cumhuriyeti]]
[[vi:Cộng hoà Czesk]]
There other wikipedias besides the romanian one where it has been prefered to have the oficial title of this country instead of the generic name of Cehia! And besides, when attempting to move a proeminent article like this one which is heavily linked, you would attempt discussing your intention on the discussion page! Thank you!
PS: You say in your user page that you are able at least to understand Romanian. If you looked at the discussion page of the article, you would have seen that the move has been discussed more than a year ago, and it was decided not to do anything! --Vlad|-> 8 ianuarie 2006 13:25 (EET)Răspunde
But Cehia is official name too, but I won't argue. :-) Zanatic 8 ianuarie 2006 13:27 (EET)Răspunde
I saw but believed something may have changed. Zanatic 8 ianuarie 2006 13:31 (EET)Răspunde
Well, it seems nothing has changed... --Vlad|-> 8 ianuarie 2006 13:37 (EET)Răspunde
OK, I didn't want to make mess or something, if I did, I'm sorry. Zanatic 8 ianuarie 2006 13:39 (EET)Răspunde
Hey, no sweat! I've just revert your changes & started the discussion with you! However, I see from your user page's babel that your a czech native, right? Feel free to reopen the debate on the article's discussion page if you strongly feel that the main article should be Cehia. Present your arguments & we'll see what the outcome will be! Thank you! --Vlad|-> 8 ianuarie 2006 13:46 (EET)Răspunde
In fact, I don't really care, how is my country called in Romanian, I just tried it, and now I'll do rather something more useful. Zanatic 8 ianuarie 2006 13:49 (EET)Răspunde

Username[modificare sursă]

Hi, your wish came true. I changed your username from Zanatic to Honza Záruba. This also meant moving the following pages to new namens:

Happy editing! — AdiJapan  26 martie 2007 05:47 (EEST)Răspunde

Mulţumesc :) Honza Záruba 26 martie 2007 11:06 (EEST)Răspunde