Discuție Wikipedia:Sfatul Bătrânilor/Arhiva 121
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Ultimul comentariu: acum 17 ani de Strainu în subiectul Drepturi de autor
Drepturi de autor
[modificare sursă]Azi am aflat o chestie tare pe Commons, anume aceea că lucrările cărora le-a expirat dreptul de autor, potrivit legilor din 23 ori 56, sunt din nou protejate, pe termen european (70 ani după moartea autorului). Iată directiva cu completarea din 2006 şi un mic exemplu pe care mi l-a dat userul Rtc acolo:
- The causes for resurrected rights are a little bit tricky. First of all, the implementation of this directive is mandatory for each EU member and states that works are protected 70 years post mortem auctoris. Now suppose there is some old work A from your country for which copyright in your country had already expired before it joined the EU. Now your country joins the EU, with all EU-anti-discriminatory laws in effect (that is, you as a citizen of your country must not be discriminated against citizens from other EU countries.) Assume there's some spanish work B that was protected in Spain all the time. By implementation of the EU directive, the spanish citizen enjoys copyright for his work B in your country 70 years pma, too. Now if the work A with previously expired copyright was protected in Spain still at the time your country joined the EU, its author must not be discriminated against the spanish citizen, that is, the EU anti-discriminatory laws prohibit the spanish guy to get better protection in your country for his work B than a citizen of your country for his work A despite the fact that both works A and B fulfil the same premises, namely protection of the work in Spain at the time your country joined EU. But since the directive forbids the spanish guy's copyright for work B to be denied or shortened, it follows that the copyright of work A is resurrected to enable justice, such that A and B get equal protection for their equal premises. Again: If a spanish citizen gets a copyright in your country for 70 pma because his work was protected in Spain that long, then you must not be discriminated to get less than 70 pma in your own country if your work is protected in Spain in exactly the same way. Sure, it's a little bit complicated; I hope you understood the line argumentation. (And why is Spain relevant? Because it had the longest protection periods of all EU countries.) See also w:WP:PD#German_World_War_II_images about the issue. (It's about a parallel case in German law; it should apply vis à vis to Romania.)
O fi valabilă şi la noi treaba? Dacă da, înseamnă ca avem ceva de lucru... Adio 20 de ani pentru dicţionare şi culegeri, ori 10/5 ani pentru fotografii artistice. Sau 50/10 ani post mortem.--Alex:D|Mesaje 7 aprilie 2007 23:22 (EEST)
- Daca nu e, o sa fie :) Din ce-am vazut la CDEP (http://www.cdep.ro/pls/legis/legis_pck.frame), directiva respectiva nu a fost inca implementata, deci teoretic nu este inca lege in Romania. Totusi nu sunt deloc sigur ca acolo sunt prezentate toate legile sau ca am cautat eu cum trebuie. --Strainu 8 aprilie 2007 11:33 (EEST)