De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Opere de Gregory Benford
Saga Centrul Galactic
- In the Ocean of Night
- Across the Sea of Suns
- Great Sky River
- Tides of Light
- Furious Gulf
- Sailing Bright Eternity
Jupiter Projects
- Jupiter Project
- Against Infinity
Contribuții la alte serii
Romane de sine stătătoare
- Deeper Than the Darkness
- Timperfect
- Time's Rub
- Artifact
- Under the Wheel
- Iceborn
- Cosm
- The Martian Race
- Eater
- Beyond Infinity
- Human Being
- The Sunborn
- If the Stars Are Gods
- Shiva Descending
- Find the Changeling
- Inima cometei
- Beyond the Fall of Night
Culegeri de povestiri
- In Alien Flesh
- Matter's End
- Amazing Stories No 7
- Worlds Vast and various'
- Immersion and other Short Novels
- Merlin