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Format:Imagine adnotată 4

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Documentație format
Această documentație este adusă de la pagina Format:Imagine adnotată 4/doc.


Standard set

{{Annotated image 4
| image = <!--specify an image without the "File:" prefix-->
| align = <!-- left / right / center -->
| width = <!--this parameter specifies the width of the thumbnail for the image-->
| height = <!--this parameter specifies the height of the thumbnail for the image-->
| image-width = <!--this parameter specifies the width of the image inside the thumbnail-->
| header =
| caption =
| alt =
| annot-font-size = <!--optional parameter - use a positive integer or percentage; default is 94%-->
| annotations =

Extended set

{{Annotated image 4
| image = <!--specify an image without the "File:" prefix-->
| align = <!-- left / right / center -->
| width = <!--this parameter specifies the width of the thumbnail for the image-->
| height = <!--this parameter specifies the height of the thumbnail for the image-->
| image-width = <!--this parameter specifies the width of the image inside the thumbnail-->
| image-left = <!--optional parameter; specifies how many pixels to shift the image rightward in the image's thumbnail; negative values shift it leftward-->
| image-top = <!--optional parameter; specifies how many pixels to shift the image downward in the image's thumbnail; negative values shift it upward-->
| header =
| header_align = <!--optional parameter; default is center-->
| header_background = <!--optional parameter - specify an HTML color; default is transparent-->
| caption =
| alt =
| icon = <!--optional parameter; delete this parameter if you want the caption icon, otherwise set this parameter to none-->
| frameless = <!--optional parameter; delete this parameter if you want a thumbnail frame, otherwise set this parameter to true-->
| annot-font-size = <!--optional parameter - use a positive integer or percentage; default is 94%-->
| annot-text-align = <!--optional parameter - left / right / center -->
| annotations =


Name Allowed values Default value Function & notes
image valid image file name (required) Raster graphics (jpg, png, etc.) and SVG images are allowed.
There must be a file page for the image on Wikimedia Commons, or the image will lead to a file page that doesn't exist when it is clicked. In other words, local images (those located only on or other language wikis) without a commons page shouldn't be used in this template.
image-width positive integer (required) Desired width of the image (in pixels).
width positive integer (required) Same as template:Annotated image definition. For simplicity, set this equal to image-width.
height positive integer (required) Ensure that (Width x Height) maintains the same aspect-ratio as the default size of the image you want to use for proper display.
E.g., a 500x600 default image should be scaled to 250x300 or similar for proper appearance.
annotations {{Annotation}} (required) May be left empty if you only want to crop an image – for that, use "|annotation=|" (without quotes)
image-left integer (optional; defaults to 0) X-coordinate of the image's top left corner (in pixels), relative to the top left corner of the box containing the image and annotations. Negative values crop the image.
Unnecessary when cropping isn't desired
image-top integer (optional; defaults to 0) Y-coordinate of the image's top left corner (in pixels), relative to the top left corner of the box containing the image and annotations. Negative values crop the image.
Unnecessary when cropping isn't desired
image-bg-color valid web colors
(e.g., html color names & hex codes)
(optional, white) Background of the box in which the image is displayed.
caption wikitext (optional) Caption of the image with the typical appearance (different appearance from Template:Annotated image)
alt plain text (optional) Alt text of image, for readers who cannot see it; see WP:ALT for the MOS entry
header wikitext (optional) Adds an image header like those in the examples on this page
header_align right, left, or center (optional, center) Sets the header alignment to left, center, or right.
header_background valid web colors
(e.g., html color names & hex codes)
(optional, transparent) Sets the header background color
align right, left, or center (optional, right) Sets the template to align to the left or right, or at the center of the page.
annot-text-align right, left, or center (optional, center) Sets a default text-alignment for all annotations.
annot-background-color valid web colors
(e.g., html color names & hex codes)
(optional, transparent) Sets a default background-color for all annotations.
annot-font-size positive integer or percentage (optional, default value is 94% (this is approximately the same as an integer value of 13 [pixels]) Sets a default font-size (in pixels) for all annotations.
annot-color valid web colors
(e.g., html color names & hex codes)
(optional, black) Sets a default color for all annotations.
frameless plain text (optional) If this parameter contains any value (e.g., |frameless=true or |frameless=hi), the image is rendered without a thumbnail frame.
If the parameter is omitted altogether or remains empty (i.e., |frameless=), the image will render with a thumbnail frame.
icon plain text
The image above contains clickable links
The image above contains clickable links
To remove the icon, use |icon=none
If this parameter is omitted or is set to any value other than "none" (such as |icon=hi), the default icon is used.
link Any image file name without the file prefix (optional; defaults to the input for |image=) This parameter allows you to change the background link for any image. The purpose of this parameter is to allow you to link to a labeled version of an annotated image when annotating an unlabeled variant. E.g., if you were creating an annotated image using File:Microbiota-derived 3-Indolepropionic acid-notext.svg and wanted to link to the labeled version of the image on WikiMedia Commons (Commons:File:Microbiota-derived 3-Indolepropionic acid.svg), you would be able to do this by setting |image=Microbiota-derived 3-Indolepropionic acid-notext.svg and |link=Commons:File:Microbiota-derived 3-Indolepropionic acid.svg.
nolink yes (optional; no value by default) When |nolink=yes, the background link is removed and the icon is added to the end of the caption. Clicking on this icon in the caption will send you to the file page for the image file you are annotating on WikiMedia Commons (this link is automatically generated using the input from |image=).

Descriere scurtă a formatului și a scopului său.

Format de bază

Codul formatului, schematic, punând în evidență cei mai utilizați parametri.


Descrierea completă a tuturor parametrilor, în cazul în care formatul are parametri.

Mod de folosire

Dacă trebuie urmați anumiți pași pentru a utiliza formatul, explicați procedura.


Dați câteva exemple ale modului de folosire, folosind cod și exemple.

Codul exemplului 1

Format:Formatul care demonstrează exemplul 1

Codul exemplului 2

Format:Formatul care demonstrează exemplul 2

Detalii tehnice

Dacă formatul este mai complex, puteți da detalii despre modul în care este construit. Acestea pot fi utile utilizatorilor care vor să îmbunătățească formatul.

Vezi și

  • legături
  • spre alte
  • formate
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