De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Falcons of Narabedla (1957)
The Door Through Space (1961)
Seven from the Stars (1961)
The Colours Of Space (1963)
Castle Terror (1965)
Souvenir of Monique (1967)
Bluebeard's Daughter (1968)
The Brass Dragon (1970)
In the Steps of the Master – The Sixth Sense #2 (1973)
Hunters of the Red Moon (1973) (nuveletă)
The Jewel of Arwen (1974) (nuveletă)
The Parting of Arwen (1974) (nuveletă)
Can Ellen Be Saved? (1975)
The Endless Voyage (1975)
Drums of Darkness (1976)
The Ruins of Isis (1978)
The Catch Trap (1979)
The Endless Universe (1979) (rescriere a The Endless Voyage )
The House Between the Worlds (1980)
Survey Ship (1980)
The Colors of Space (1983)
Night's Daughter (1985)
Warrior Woman (1985)
The Firebrand (1987)
Black Trillium (1990) (cu Julian May și Andre Norton )
Lady of the Trillium (1995) (cu Elisabeth Waters)
Tiger Burning Bright (1995) (cu Mercedes Lackey și Andre Norton )
The Gratitude of Kings (1997) (cu Elisabeth Waters)
Culegeri de povestiri Seria Atlantă Seria Avalon Seria Colin MacLaren Seria Shadow's Gate Seria Darkover Alte antologii Seria Glenraven Seria Survivors Romane scrise sub pseudonim
I am a Lesbian
No Adam for Eve
My Sister, My Love
Twilight Lovers
The Strange Women
Spare Her Heaven
Anything Goes
Knives of Desire
Folosește {{Marion Zimmer Bradley|stare=pliată}}
sau {{Marion Zimmer Bradley|stare=nepliată}}
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