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Ideaworks Game Studio

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Ideaworks Game Studio
ȚaraMarea Britanie
SediuBayswater, Londra
Oameni cheieRob Hendry
Phil Waymouth
Russell Clarke
Barclay Deeming
IndustrieJocuri video
ProduseJocuri video - iPhone, telefon mobil, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, WiiWare
Prezență online

Ideaworks Game Studio (IGS) a fost o companie care dezvoltă jocuri video din Londra, Marea Britanie, fondată în 1998. Compania a dezvoltat numeroase jocuri ca The Sims 2 Mobile, Need for Speed: Underground 2, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode, Metal Gear Solid Mobile, Resident Evil: Degeneration și Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies.

Lansare Titlu Platformă Distribuitor
2011 Fable III Coin Golf Windows Phone 7 Lionhead Studios
2009 Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies iPhone Activision/Treyarch
2009 BackBreaker Football: Tackle Alley iPhone NaturalMotion
2009 The Game of Life iPhone Electronic Arts
2008 Resident Evil: Degeneration iPhone, N-Gage Capcom
2008 Metal Gear Solid Mobile N-Gage Konami
2007 Mile High Pinball N-Gage Nokia
2007 System Rush Evolution N-Gage Nokia
2006 Need for Speed: Most Wanted Mobil Electronic Arts
2006 Pandemonium! N-Gage Eidos Interactive
2006 Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode Mobil Square Enix
2006 Need for Speed: Undercover Mobil, N-Gage Electronic Arts
2005 Need for Speed: Underground 2 Mobil Electronic Arts
2005 The Sims 2 Mobile Mobil Electronic Arts, Maxis
2005 System Rush N-Gage Nokia
2005 Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater Mobil, N-Gage Activision
2005 Colin McRae Rally N-Gage Codemasters
2004 The Sims Bustin' Out N-Gage Electronic Arts
2003 Tomb Raider N-Gage, Windows Mobile Eidos Interactive

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