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Listă cu mari loji masonice

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

Aceasta este o listă a organizațiilor aflate sub denumirea de Mare Lojă Masonică sau Mare Orient. O Mare Lojă Masonică este o grupare de mai multe loji masonice denumite și loji albastre sau ateliere.

Numărul francmasonilor în lume este de circa patru milioane, majoritatea în America de Nord și Europa.[1].

Această listă este incompletă; puteți ajuta la extinderea ei.

  • Grand Lodge of South Africa
  • District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa
  • District Grand Lodge of the Western Province of the Cape of Good Hope
  • District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Africa
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Natal
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Northern South Africa
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Southern Cape Province Africa (Irish Juridiction)
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grand Loge du Bénin
  • Grand Orient & Loge Unis du Cameroun
  • Grande Loge Nationale du Cameroun
  • Grande Loge Féminine du Cameroun
  • Grands Orient & Loge Associés du Congo
  • Grande Loge du Congo (Kinshasa)
  • Masonic High Council of Egypt
  • Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique de Madagascar
  • Grande Loge Nationale de Madagascar
  • Grande Loge du Royaume du Maroc
  • Grande Loge Féminine du Maroc
  • District Grand Lodge of Namibia
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Nigeria
  • District Grand Lodge of Nigeria
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Zambia
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Zimbabwe
  • Gran Logia de Cuba
  • Gran Logia de Cuba en el Exterior (Miami)
  • District Grand Lodge of Jamaica
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Jamaica
  • Gran Logia de Nicaragua
  • Gran Logia de Panamá
  • Pacific Lodge
  • Masoneria Femenina de Panama
  • Gran Logia Soberana de Libres y Aceptados Masones de Puerto Rico
  • Grand Lodge of Alberta
  • Grand Lodge of Manitoba
  • Grand Lodge of New Brunswick
  • Grand Lodge Ontario
  • Grand Lodge of Quebec
  • Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
  • District Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador (Scottish)
  • Grande Loge Nationale du Canada
  • Grand Lodge Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
  • Scottish Rite in Canada
  • Ionic Lodge
  • Grand Lodge of Alabama
  • Grand Lodge of Alaska
  • Grand Lodge of Arizona
  • Grand Lodge of Arkansas
  • Grand Lodge of California
  • Grand Lodge of Colorado
  • Grand Lodge of Connecticut
  • Grand Lodge of Delaware
  • Grand Lodge of Florida
  • Grand Lodge of Georgia
  • Grand Lodge of Hawaii
  • Grand Lodge of Idaho
  • Grand Lodge of Illinois
  • Grand Lodge of Indiana
  • Grand Lodge of Iowa
  • Grand Lodge of Kansas
  • Grand Lodge of Kentucky
  • Grand Lodge of Louisiana
  • Grand Lodge of Maine
  • Grand Lodge of Maryland
  • Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
  • Grand Lodge of Michigan
  • Grand Lodge of Minnesota
  • Grand Lodge of Mississippi
  • Grand Lodge of Missouri
  • Grand Lodge of Montana
  • Grand Lodge of Nebraska
  • Grand Lodge of Nevada
  • Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
  • Grand Lodge of New Jersey
  • Grand Lodge of New Mexico
  • Grand Lodge of New York
  • Grand Lodge of North Carolina
  • Grand Lodge of North Dakota
  • Grand Lodge of Ohio
  • Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
  • Grand Lodge of Oregon
  • Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
  • Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
  • Grand Lodge of South Carolina
  • Grand Lodge of South Dakota
  • Grand Lodge of Tennessee
  • Grand Lodge of Texas
  • Grand Lodge of Utah
  • Grand Lodge of Vermont
  • Grand Lodge of Virginia
  • Grand Lodge of Washington
  • Grand Lodge of District of Columbia
  • Grand Lodge of West Virginia
  • Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
  • Grand Lodge of Wyoming
  • United Grand Lodge of America of Accepted Free-Masons
  • York Rite Freemasonry
  • General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons
  • General Grand Council Cryptic Masons
  • The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America
  • Shrine of North America
  • Knight Masons
  • Allied Masonic Degrees
  • Royal Ark Mariner
  • The Masonic Order of the Bath
  • Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor
  • Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
  • Red Cross of Constantine
  • The Royal Order of Scotland
  • DeMolay International Supreme Council
  • International Order of the Rainbow For Girls
  • International Order of Job's Daughters
  • American Co-Masonry
  • Gran Logia de Argentina
  • Gran Oriente Federal de la República Argentina
  • Rito Antiguo y Primitivo de Memphis-Misraim
  • Masoneria Boliviana Rito de York
  • Gran Logia de Bolivia
  • Grande Loja Masonica de Brasilia
  • Grande Loja do Estado do Ceará
  • Grande Loja do estado de Sao Paolo
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Bahia
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Rondonia-Glomaron
  • Grande Loja de Minas Gerais
  • Grande Loja de Amazonas
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Paraiba
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Sergipe
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Rio de Janeiro
  • Grande Loja do Estado de Rio Grande del Sul
  • Grande Loja Mista do Brasil
  • Grande Loja do Brasil
  • Grande Loga da Maçonaria Universal
  • Grande Oriente de Sao Paolo
  • Grande Oriente de Sao Paolo Virtual Museum. Have a look...
  • Grande Oriente Paulista
  • Supremo conclave do Rito Brasileiro
  • Gran Logia de Chile
  • Gran Logia Mixta de Chile
  • Gran Logia Femenina de Chile
  • Serenísima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia
  • Gran Logia de Colombia
  • Gran Logia del Norte de Colombia
  • Gran Logia del Ecuador
  • Supremo Consejo
  • York Grand Lodge of Mexico
  • Gran Logia del Estado de Aguascalientes
  • Gran Oriente de Campeche
  • Gran Logia Sur-Oeste
  • Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico
  • Gran Logia Nacional La Luz
  • Gran Logia de Estado "Guadalupe Victoria"
  • Gran Logia Miguel Hidalgo del Estado de Guanajuato
  • Gran Logia del Estado de Jalisco
  • Gran Logia de Nuevo León
  • Gran Logia de Estado "Benito Juárez García" del Estado de Oaxaca
  • Logia Mixta"Género Humano"
  • Gran Logia Symbolica del Paraguay
  • Gran Oriente del Paraguay
  • Gran Logia de los Masones de la República del Perú
  • Gran Logia de la Masoneria del Uruguay
  • Gran Oriente de Uruguay
  • Gran Oriente de la Francmasonería Mixta Universal
  • Gran Logia de la República de Venezuela
  • Gran Logia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
  • Gran Logia Operativa Latina y Americana
  • Lodge Han Yang
  • Grand Lodge of Philippines
  • Grand Lodge of India
  • District Grand Lodge of India
  • District Grand Lodge of Madras
  • Grand Lodge of Upper India
  • Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India
  • Regional Grand Lodge of Western India
  • District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Bombay
  • The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grand Lodge of Japan
  • Grande Loge des Cèdres, Arabic and French.
  • Orient De Canaan
  • Sun Grand Lodge Of Lebanon
  • Grande Loge Bet-el
  • District Grand Lodge of the Middle East
  • District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelego
  • The Lodge of St. George
  • Han Lodge
  • Harmony Lodge
  • Grand Orient del Principat d'Andorra
  • Grand Logia Simbolica d'Andorra
  • Großorients von Österreich
  • Großloge von Österreich
  • Grand Lodge of Armenia
  • Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique
  • Grande Loge de Belgique
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Marea Lojă din Bulgaria
  • Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
  • Den Danske Frimurerorden
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grande Loge Suisse Alpina
  • Grand Orient de Suisse
  • Grande Loge Mixte de Suisse
  • Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse
  • Ligue Universelle de Franc-Maçons
  • Grande Loge Symbolique Hélvétique du Rite de Memphis-Misraim
  • Grand Lodge of Estonia
  • Vapaamuurarit. The Grand Loge of Finland
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grand Orient de France.
  • Grande Loge de France
  • Grande Loge Nationale Française
  • Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra
  • Loge Nationale Française
  • La Grande Loge Française de Memphis-Misraïm
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grande Loge Mixte de France
  • Grande Loge Mixte Universelle
  • Grande Loge Féminine de France
  • Grande Loge Féminine de Memphis-Misraïm
  • Grande Loge d'Ath Kâ Ptah.
  • United Grandlodges of Germany
  • Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Germany
  • Grand Landlodge of Freemasons of Germany
  • Grand National Motherlodge "To the Three Globes"
  • American Canadian Grand Lodge
  • The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany
  • York Rite in Germany
  • Universeller Freimaurer-Orden "Humanitas"
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Großloge "Zur Humanität"
  • Grand Lodge of Greece
  • National Grand Lodge of Greece
  • Delphi Masonic Order
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grand Lodge of Ireland
  • Grand Lodge of Iceland
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Gran Loggia Regolare degli Antichi, Liberi e Accettati Muratori d'Italia
  • Grande Oriente d'Italia.
  • Gran Loggia d'Italia
  • Antico e Primitivo Rito Orientale di Misraïm e Memphis
  • Grande Oriente Universale
  • Grand Lodge of Latvia
  • Grand Lodge of Lithuania
  • Grand Orient de Luxembourg
  • Order of Malta
  • Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
  • Den Norske Frimurerorden
  • Grootoosten der Nederlanden (Grand Lodge of The Netherlands)
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Nederlandsch Verbond van Vrijmetselaren
  • Orde van Weefsters, Vita Feminea Textura
  • Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetselarij
  • National Grand Lodge of Poland
  • Le Droit Humain
  • Grande Loja Legal de Portugal
  • Grande Oriente Lusitano - Gremio Fenix
  • Grande Loja Nacional Portuguesa
  • Grande Loja Regular de Portugal
  • Grande Loja Tradicional de Portugal
  • Le Droit Humain
  • United Grand Lodge of England
  • Le Droit Humain
  • The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons
  • The Regular Grand Lodge of England
  • The Grand Lodge of All England
  • Grand Lodge of Scotland
  • Provincial Grand Lodges of Scotland
  • The Masonic Province of South Wales Eastern Division
  • The Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales
  • The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of North Wales
  • Grand Lodge of Russia
  • United Grand Lodge of Russia
  • Grande Oriente della Repubblica di San Marino
  • Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino / Grande Oriente di San Marino
  • Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino
  • Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
  • Lodge Humanizmus, Bratislava
  • Grand Lodge of Slovenia
  • Gran Logia de España
  • Gran Logia Simbólica Española
  • Gran Oriente de Francia en España
  • Gran Priorato de Hispania.
  • Gran Logia Operativa Latina y Americana
  • Gran Lògia de Catalunya
  • Gran Orient de Catalunya
  • Gran Logia Provincial de Canarias
  • Gran Logia de Canaria
  • Gran Logia de Canarias
  • El Derecho Humano. Le Droit Humain
  • Grand Lodge of Sweden
  • Le Droit Humain
  • The Swedenborgian Rite
  • Grand   Lodge of Turkey
  • Grand Lodge of Liberal Freemasons
  • Grand Lodge of Ukraine
  • United Grand Lodge of Queensland
  • United Grand Lodge New South of Wales
  • Grand Lodge of Victoria
  • Grand Lodge of Tasmania
  • Grand Lodge of Western Australia
  • Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory
  • Grand Lodge of New Zealand
  • District Grand Lodge of North Island New Zealand
  • District Grand Lodge of New Zealand North
  • Mark Masons District Grand Lodge of New Zealand North Island
  1. ^ The Masonic Service Association of North America
  2. ^ Horia Nestorescu-Balcești,Obediențe Masonice din România, Editura Nestor, Bucuresti 2017,p. 196-198