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Martina Sáblíková

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Martina Sáblíková
Date personale
Născută (37 de ani)[5][1] Modificați la Wikidata
Nové Město na Moravě, Vysočina, Cehia[6][1][7][8] Modificați la Wikidata
Frați și suroriMilan Sáblík[*][[Milan Sáblík (Czech speedskater)|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Cehia (–)
 Cehoslovacia (–) Modificați la Wikidata
Ocupațieciclistă de performanță[*]
patinator de viteză[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba cehă Modificați la Wikidata
Înălțime171 cm  Modificați la Wikidata
Greutate54 kg  Modificați la Wikidata
ȚarăCehia[1]  Modificați la Wikidata
SportPatinaj viteză[2][3]
ciclism[*]  Modificați la Wikidata
Titluri și realizări
Jocuri olimpiceJocurile Olimpice de iarnă din 2006
speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 1500 metres[*][[speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 1500 metres (women's 1500 metres events at the Olympics)|​]]
speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 3000 metres[*][[speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 3000 metres (women's 3000 metres events at the Olympics)|​]]
speed skating at the 2014 Winter Olympics – women's 3000 metres[*][[speed skating at the 2014 Winter Olympics – women's 3000 metres (women's 3000 metres events at the Olympics)|​]]
speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 5000 metres[*][[speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – women's 5000 metres (women's 5000 metres events at the Olympics)|​]]
speed skating at the 2014 Winter Olympics – women's 5000 metres[*][[speed skating at the 2014 Winter Olympics – women's 5000 metres (women's 5000 metres events at the Olympics)|​]]
Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă din 2018
2010 in women's road cycling[*][[2010 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2010)|​]]
2011 in women's road cycling[*][[2011 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2011)|​]]
2012 in women's road cycling[*][[2012 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2012)|​]]
2013 in women's road cycling[*][[2013 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2013)|​]]
2014 in women's road cycling[*][[2014 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2014)|​]]
2015 in women's road cycling[*][[2015 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events during 2015)|​]]
2016 in women's road cycling[*][[2016 in women's road cycling (women's road cycling-related events of 2016)|​]]
Patinaj viteză la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă din 2022 - 3.000 metri (feminin)[4]
Patinaj viteză la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă din 2022 - 5.000 metri (feminin)[4]  Modificați la Wikidata
Prezență online

Martina Sáblíková (n. , Nové Město na Moravě, Vysočina, Cehia) este o ciclistă de performanță cehă, medaliată olimpică. A participat la 5 ediții ale Jocurilor Olimpice (2006, 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022) în care a câștigat 3 medalii de aur, o medalie de argint și două medalii de bronz.

Lista de mai jos prezintă principalele competiții la care a participat Martina Sáblíková de-a lungul carierei.

  1. ^ a b c Olympedia, accesat în  
  2. ^, accesat în  
  3. ^ SpeedSkatingStats, accesat în  
  4. ^ a b c d Olympedia, accesat în  
  5. ^, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  6. ^ Regional Database of the Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno, accesat în  
  7. ^ regionální databáze Krajské knihovny Vysočiny, accesat în  
  8. ^ Czech National Authority Database, accesat în  
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