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Modul:Age utilities

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

This module has some functions to perform data calculations. It is not used directly from wikitext, but can be used by other lua modules. For age, a structure/table is used with the fields {years = x, days = y}.

-- Returns age in years and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsAndDays(date2N, date1N)

-- Returns age in years, months and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsMonthsAndDays(date2N, date1N)

-- Returns < 0 if ageA < ageB, 0 if ageA == ageB, > 0 if ageA > ageB
function compareAges(ageA, ageB)

-- Returns true if ageA == ageB
function equalAges(ageA, ageB)

-- Returns a date as a sortable string with age in years and days ("x years and y days")
function ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)

== Example ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local ageUtil = require('Module:Age utilities')
local ageInYearsAndDays = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDays
local ageInYearsAndDaysFormat = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat

function something()
    local age = ageInYearsAndDays(os.time({year = 1997, month = 8, day = 4}), os.time({year = 1875, month = 2, day = 21}))
    return ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)

local p = {}

-- Local helper functions

-- Returns true if year is/was a leap year
local function isLeapYear(year)
	return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0)

-- Copied from [[en:Module:Age]]
local function gsd(year, month, day)
	-- Return the Gregorian serial day (an integer >= 1) for the given date,
	-- or return nil if the date is invalid (only check that year >= 1).
	-- This is the number of days from the start of 1 AD (there is no year 0).
	-- This code implements the logic in [[Template:Gregorian serial date]].
	if year < 1 then
		return nil
	local floor = math.floor
	local days_this_year = (month - 1) * 30.5 + day
	if month > 2 then
		if isLeapYear(year) then
			days_this_year = days_this_year - 1
			days_this_year = days_this_year - 2
		if month > 8 then
			days_this_year = days_this_year + 0.9
	days_this_year = floor(days_this_year + 0.5)
	year = year - 1
	local days_from_past_years = year * 365
		+ floor(year / 4)
		- floor(year / 100)
		+ floor(year / 400)
	return days_from_past_years + days_this_year

-- Returns the magnitude of a number defined as the integer part of log10 of the absolute value of the number
-- Equivalent to [[Mal:Magnitude]]
local function magnitude(number)
	if number == 0 then return nil end
	return math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(number)))

-- Functions for calculating age

-- Returns age in years and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function p.ageInYearsAndDays(date2N, date1N)
	local date1 ='!*t', date1N)
	local date2 ='!*t', date2N)
	local age = {}
	age.years = date2.year - date1.year;
	if date2.month < date1.month or date2.month == date1.month and < then
		age.years = age.years - 1
	local year = date2.year
	if date2.month < date1.month or date2.month == date1.month and < then
		year = year - 1
	age.days = gsd(date2.year, date2.month, - gsd(year, date1.month,

	return age

-- Functions for comparing ages

-- Returns < 0 if ageA < ageB, 0 if ageA == ageB, > 0 if ageA > ageB
function p.compareAges(ageA, ageB)
	if ageA.years ~= ageB.years then
		if ageA.years < ageB.years then return -1 end
		return 1
	if ageA.days ~= ageB.days then
		if ageA.days < ageB.days then return -1 end
		return 1
	return 0 -- equal

-- Returns true if ageA == ageB
function p.equalAges(ageA, ageB)
	return p.compareAges(ageA, ageB) == 0

-- Functions for displaying age

-- Returns a date as a sortable string with age in years and days ("x an, y zile")
function p.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)
	local result = tostring(age.years) .. ' ' .. (age.years == 1 and 'an' or 'ani')
		.. ', ' .. tostring(age.days) .. ' ' .. (age.days == 1 and 'zi' or 'zile')
	return '<span data-sort-value="' .. tostring(1000 * age.years + age.days) .. '">' .. result .. '</span>'

return p