Muzică experimentală
Muzică experimentală | |
Origini stilistice | Musique concrete |
Origini culturale | cca. 1945, S.U.A. |
Alte subiecte | |
No Wave, noise, noise rock, musique concrete, sound art | |
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Sintagma muzică experimentală desemnează o ramură a muzicii, evidențiată mai întâi în a doua jumătate a anilor 1950, cu precădere în Statele Unite ale Americii și Europa de Vest (mai cu seamă, în Marea Britanie – trăsături se regăsesc). În continuare, atenția unora dintre muzicieni se va îndrepta către diversificarea aspectelor formale ale scriiturii (ritm, metrică, timbralitate, forma muzicală), dând naștere rock-ului progresiv sau art rock-ului; alții vor prefera forme simetrice, o orchestrație consecventă și se vor îndepărta de experiment.
Muzicieni reprezentativi
[modificare | modificare sursă]- John Cage
- Karlheinz Stockhausen
- Boards of Canada
- Throbbing Gristle
- Harry Partch
- Luigi Russolo
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- Merzbow
- Sonic Youth
- Sun Ra
- Velvet Underground
- Delia Derbyshire
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Ankeny, Jason. [n.d.] "The Residents: Biography".
- Anon. [n.d.]a. "Explore Music ... Explore by ... /Avant-Garde//Experimental: Genre".
- Anon. [n.d.]b. "Explore Music ... Explore by ... /Pop/Rock/Punk/New Wave/No Wave".
- Bateman, Shahbeila. [n.d.]. "Biography of Yoko Ono" Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. Website of Hugh McCarney, Communication Department, Western Connecticut University. (Accessed 15 February 2009)
- Beal, Amy C. 2006. New Music, New Allies: American Experimental Music in West Germany from the Zero Hour to Reunification. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-24755-8
- Blake, Michael. 1999. "The Emergence of a South African Experimental Aesthetic". In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, edited by Izak J. Grové. Pretoria: Musicological Society of Southern Africa.
- Boulez, Pierre. 1986. "Experiment, Ostriches, and Music", in his Orientations: Collected Writings, translated by Martin Cooper, 430–31. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-64375-5 Originally published as "Expérience, autriches et musique". Nouvelle Revue Française, no. 36 (December 1955): 1, 174–76.
- Burt, Warren. 1991. "Australian Experimental Music 1963–1990". Leonardo Music Journal 1, no. 1:5–10.
- Cage, John. 1961. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. Unaltered reprints: Weslyan University press, 1966 (pbk), 1967 (cloth), 1973 (pbk ["First Wesleyan paperback edition"], 1975 (unknown binding); Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971; London: Calder & Boyars, 1968, 1971, 1973 ISBN 0-7145-0526-9 (cloth) ISBN 0-7145-1043-2 (pbk). London: Marion Boyars, 1986, 1999 ISBN 0-7145-1043-2 (pbk); [n.p.]: Reprint Services Corporation, 1988 (cloth) ISBN 99911-780-1-5 [In particular the essays "Experimental Music", pp. 7–12, and "Experimental Music: Doctrine", pp. 13–17.]
- Cope, David. 1997. Techniques of the Contemporary Composer. New York, New York: Schirmer Books. ISBN 0-02-864737-8.
- Crumsho, Michael. 2008. "Dusted Reviews: Neptune—Gong Lake". Dusted Magazine 2008 (February 19).
- Grant, Morag Josephine. 2003. "Experimental Music Semiotics". International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 34, no. 2 (December): 173–91.
- Hasse, Gretchen. 2007. "Heavy Metal Is Just That for the Heavy-Lifting Jason Sanford of Neptune". (5 December).
- Hiller, Lejaren, and L. M. Isaacson. 1959. Experimental Music: Composition with an Electronic Computer. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
- Jaffe, Lee David. 1983. "The Last Days of the Avant Garde; or How to Tell Your Glass from Your Eno". Drexel Library Quarterly 19, no. 1 (Winter): 105–22.
- Lubet, Alex. 1999. "Indeterminate Origins: A Cultural theory of American Experimental Music". In Perspectives on American music since 1950, edited by , James R. Heintze. New York, NY: General Music Publishing Co. ISBN 0-8153-2144-9* Masters, Marc. 2007. No Wave Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. London: Black Dog Publishing. ISBN 978-1-906155-02-5
- Mauceri, Frank X. 1997. "From Experimental Music to Musical Experiment". Perspectives of New Music 35, no. 1 (Winter): 187-204.
- Metzger, Heinz-Klaus. 1959. "Abortive Concepts in the Theory and Criticism of Music", translated by Leo Black. Die Reihe 5: "Reports, Analysis" (English edition): 21–29)
- Meyer, Leonard B. 1994. Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in Twentieth-Century Culture. Second edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-52143-5
- Nicholls, David. 1990. American Experimental Music, 1890–1940. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-34578-2
- Nicholls, David. 1998. "Avant-garde and Experimental Music". In Cambridge History of American Music. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-45429-8
- Nyman, Michael. 1974. Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond. London: Studio Vista, ISBN 0-289-70182-1, New York: Schirmer Books, ISBN 0-02-871200-5. Second edition, Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-521-65297-9
- Palombini, Carlos. 1993a. "Machine Songs V: Pierre Schaeffer: From Research into Noises to Experimental Music". Computer Music Journal, 17, No. 3 (Autumn): 14–19.
- Palombini, Carlos. 1993b. "Pierre Schaeffer, 1953: Towards an Experimental Music" Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. Music and Letters 74, no. 4 (November): 542–57.
- Parkin, Chris. 2008. "Micachu: Interview" Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. Time Out London (February 26).
- Piekut, Benjamin. 2008. "Testing, Testing …: New York Experimentalism 1964". Ph.D. diss. New York: Columbia University.
- Rebner, Wolfgang Edward. 1997. "Amerikanische Experimentalmusik". In Im Zenit der Moderne: Geschichte und Dokumentation in vier Bänden—Die Internationalen Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt, 1946-1966. Rombach Wissenschaften: Reihe Musicae 2, 4 vols., edited by Gianmario Borio and Hermann Danuser, 3:178–89. Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach.
- Schaeffer, Pierre. 1957. "Vers une musique experimentale". La revue musicale no. 236 (Vers une musique experimentale), edited by Pierre Schaeffer, 18–23. Paris: Richard-Masse.
- Vignal, Marc (ed.). 2003. "Expérimentale (musique)". In Dictionnaire de la Musique, Paris: Larousse. (ISBN 2-03-511354-7)
- Ballantine, Christopher. 1977. "Towards an Aesthetic of Experimental Music". The Musical Quarterly 63, no. 2 (April): 224–46.
- Benitez, Joaquim M. 1978. "Avant-Garde or Experimental? Classifying Contemporary Music". International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 9, no. 1 (June): 53–77.
- Broyles, Michael. 2004. Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Cameron, Catherine. 1996. Dialectics in the Arts: The Rise of Experimentalism in American Music. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
- Ensemble Modern. 1995. "Was ist experimentelles Musiktheater? Mitglieder des 'Ensemble Modern' befragen Hans Zender". Positionen: Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 22 (February): 17–20.
- Bailey, Derek. 1980. "Musical Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice in Music". Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall; Ashbourne: Moorland. ISBN 0-13-607044-2. Second edition, London: British Library National Sound Archive, 1992. ISBN 0-7123-0506-8
- Experimental Musical Instruments. 1985–1999. A periodical (no longer published) devoted to experimental music and instruments.
- Gligo, Nikša. 1989. "Die musikalische Avantgarde als ahistorische Utopie: Die gescheiterten Implikationen der experimentellen Musik". Acta Musicologica 61, no. 2 (May-Aug): 217–37.
- Henius, Carla. 1977. "Musikalisches Experimentiertheater. Kommentare aus der Praxis". Melos/Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 3, no. 6:489–92.
- Henius, Carla. 1994. "Experimentelles Musiktheater seit 1946". Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste: Jahrbuch 8:131-54.
- Holmes, Thomas B. 2008. Electronic and Experimental Music: Pioneers in Technology and Composition. Third edition. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-95781-6 (hbk.) ISBN 978-0-415-95782-3 (pbk.)
- Lucier, Alvin. 2002. "An einem hellen Tag: Avantgarde und Experiment", trans. Gisela Gronemeyer. MusikTexte: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, no. 92 (February), pp. 13–14.
- Piekut, Benjamin. 2011. Experimentalism Otherwise: The New York Avant-Garde and its Limits. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-26851-7.
- Saunders, James. 2009. The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music. Aldershot, Hants, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-6282-2
- Schnebel, Dieter. 2001. "Experimentelles Musiktheater". In Das Musiktheater: Exempel der Kunst, edited by Otto Kolleritsch, 14–24. Vienna: Universal Edition. ISBN 3-7024-0263-2
- Shultis, Christopher. 1998. Silencing the Sounded Self: John Cage and the American Experimental Tradition. Boston: Northeastern University Press. ISBN 1-55553-377-9
- Smith Brindle, Reginald. 1987. The New Music: The Avant-Garde Since 1945, second edition. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-315471-4 (cloth) ISBN 0-19-315468-4 (pbk.)
- Sutherland, Roger, 1994. New Perspectives in Music. London: Sun Tavern Fields. ISBN 0-9517012-6-6
Legături externe
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Experimental music pe Curlie
- Allmusic. Accesat la 2 august 2013.