Delegațiile Congresului Statelor Unite ale Americii din partea statului Tennessee
Această pagină este o listă a delegațiilor congresionale din statul Tennessee pentru Senatul respectiv pentru Camera Reprezentanților, ambele camere ale parlamentului bicameral al Statelor Unite ale Americii, numit Congresul Statelor Unite ale Americii .
Statul Tennessee a intrat în Uniune ca cel de-al 16-lea stat al său la 1 iunie 1796, făcând parte inițial din statul Carolina de Nord și apoi din Southwest Territory. Ca atare, participarea statului la sesiunile Congresului Statelor Unite s-a făcut începând cu cel de-al 3-lea, respectiv al 4-lea Congres al Uniunii.
Aidoma și altor state ale republicii, statul Tennessee a trecut de-a lungul timpului prin multe schimbări demografice, care au determinat mai multe re-aranjări ale districtelor electorale statale. Spre exemplificare, în timp ce reprezentativii Don Sundquist, Ed Bryant și Marsha Blackburn au reprezentat cel de-al șaptelea district electoral începând cu anul 1983, cei trei sunt considerați a fi "succesorii" lui Robin Beard, din moment ce actualul district al 7-lea conține majoritatea suprafeței acoperită de districtul al 6-lea înainte de același an.
Senatul Statelor Unite ale Americii (United States Senate)
[modificare | modificare sursă]Senatori Clasa 1 | Congress-ul al | Senatori Clasa 2 |
William Cocke (D-R) | Al 4-lea (1795 – 1797) | William Blount (D-R) |
Al 5-lea (1797 – 1799) | ||
Andrew Jackson (D-R) | Joseph Anderson (D-R) | |
Daniel Smith (D-R) | ||
Joseph Anderson (D-R) | Al 6-lea (1799 – 1801) | William Cocke (D-R) |
Al 7-lea (1801 – 1803) | ||
Al 8-lea (1803 – 1805) | ||
Al 9-lea (1805 – 1807) | Daniel Smith (D-R) | |
Al 10-lea (1807 – 1809) | ||
al 11-lea (1809 – 1811) | ||
Jenkin Whiteside (D-R) | ||
12th (1811–1813) | ||
George W. Campbell (D-R) | ||
13th (1813–1815) | ||
Jesse Wharton (D-R) | ||
George W. Campbell (D-R) | 14th (1815–1817) | |
John Williams (D-R) | ||
15th (1817–1819) | ||
John H. Eaton (D-R) | ||
16th (1819–1821) | ||
17th (1821–1823) | ||
18th (1823–1825) | Andrew Jackson (D-R) | |
19th (1825–1827) | ||
Hugh Lawson White (D-R) | ||
20th (1827–1829) | ||
21st (1829–1831) | ||
Felix Grundy (D-R) | ||
22nd (1831–1833) | ||
23rd (1833–1835) | ||
24th (1835–1837) | ||
25th (1837–1839) | ||
Ephraim H. Foster (W) | ||
Felix Grundy (D) | 26th (1839–1841) | |
Alfred O. P. Nicholson (D) | Alexander O. Anderson (D) | |
27th (1841–1843) | Vacant | |
Ephraim H. Foster (W) | 28th (1843–1845) | Spencer Jarnagin (W) |
Hopkins L. Turney (D) | 29th (1845–1847) | |
30th (1847–1849) | John Bell (W) | |
31st (1849–1851) | ||
James C. Jones (W) | 32nd (1851–1853) | |
33rd (1853–1855) | ||
34th (1855–1857) | ||
Andrew Johnson (D) | 35th (1857–1859) | |
36th (1859–1861) | Alfred O. P. Nicholson (D) | |
37th (1861–1863) | American Civil War | |
American Civil War | ||
38th (1863–1865) | ||
David T. Patterson (U) | 39th (1865–1867) | Joseph S. Fowler (Unconditional U) |
40th (1867–1869) | ||
William G. Brownlow (R) | 41st (1869–1871) | |
42nd (1871–1873) | Henry Cooper (D) | |
43rd (1873–1875) | ||
Andrew Johnson (D) | 44th (1875–1877) | |
David M. Key (D) | ||
James E. Bailey (D) | ||
45th (1877–1879) | Isham G. Harris (D) | |
46th (1879–1881) | ||
Howell E. Jackson (D) | 47th (1881–1883) | |
48th (1883–1885) | ||
49th (1885–1887) | ||
Washington C. Whitthorne (D) | ||
William B. Bate (D) | 50th (1887–1889) | |
51st (1889–1891) | ||
52nd (1891–1893) | ||
53rd (1893–1895) | ||
54th (1895–1897) | ||
55th (1897–1899) | ||
Thomas B. Turley (D) | ||
56th (1899–1901) | ||
57th (1901–1903) | Edward W. Carmack (D) | |
58th (1903–1905) | ||
59th (1905–1907) | ||
James B. Frazier (D) | ||
60th (1907–1909) | Robert L. Taylor (D) | |
61st (1909–1911) | ||
Luke Lea (D) | 62nd (1911–1913) | |
Newell Sanders (R) | ||
William R. Webb (D) | ||
63rd (1913–1915) | John K. Shields (D) | |
64th (1915–1917) | ||
Kenneth D. McKellar (D) | 65th (1917–1919) | |
66th (1919–1921) | ||
67th (1921–1923) | ||
68th (1923–1925) | ||
69th (1925–1927) | Lawrence D. Tyson (D) | |
70th (1927–1929) | ||
71st (1929–1931) | ||
William E. Brock I (D) | ||
72nd (1931–1933) | Cordell Hull (D) | |
73rd (1933–1935) | Nathan L. Bachman (D) | |
74th (1935–1937) | ||
75th (1937–1939) | ||
George L. Berry (D) | ||
Tom Stewart (D) | ||
76th (1939–1941) | ||
77th (1941–1943) | ||
78th (1943–1945) | ||
79th (1945–1947) | ||
80th (1947–1949) | ||
81st (1949–1951) | Estes Kefauver (D) | |
82nd (1951–1953) | ||
Al Gore, Sr. (D) | 83rd (1953–1955) | |
84th (1955–1957) | ||
85th (1957–1959) | ||
86th (1959–1961) | ||
87th (1961–1963) | ||
88th (1963–1965) | ||
Herbert S. Walters (D) | ||
Ross Bass (D) | ||
89th (1965–1967) | ||
90th (1967–1969) | Howard Baker (R) | |
91st (1969–1971) | ||
Bill Brock (R) | 92nd (1971–1973) | |
93rd (1973–1975) | ||
94th (1975–1977) | ||
Jim Sasser (D) | 95th (1977–1979) | |
96th (1979–1981) | ||
97th (1981–1983) | ||
98th (1983–1985) | ||
99th (1985–1987) | Al Gore (D) | |
100th (1987–1989) | ||
101st (1989–1991) | ||
102nd (1991–1993) | ||
103rd (1993–1995) | Harlan Mathews (D) | |
Fred Thompson (R) | ||
Bill Frist (R) | 104th (1995–1997) | |
105th (1997–1999) | ||
106th (1999–2001) | ||
107th (2001–2003) | ||
108th (2003–2005) | Lamar Alexander (R) | |
109th (2005–2007) | ||
Bob Corker (R) | 110th (2007–2009) | |
111th (2009–2011) | ||
112th (2011–2013) | ||
113th (2013–2015) |
Camera Reprezentanților a Statelor Unite ale Americii (United States House of Representatives)
[modificare | modificare sursă]Anii 1789 - 1791 (Parte a statului North Carolina)
[modificare | modificare sursă]John Sevier a fost ales în districtul al 5-lea din Carolina de Nord (vezi, NC's 5th congressional district), care includea atunci și teritoriul fostului State of Franklin. Sevier a continuat să fie alesul districtului și după ce acesta a fost cedat guernului federal pentru a forma Southwest Territory.
Anii 1793 - 1796 (1 delegat fără drept de vot)
[modificare | modificare sursă]Numărul Congresului | Delegat |
Al 3-lea (1793 – 1795) |
James White |
Al 4-lea (1795 – 4 decembrie 1796) |
Anii 1796 - 1803 (1 delegat, 1 loc)
[modificare | modificare sursă]Între anii 1796 și 1803, statul Tennessee a ales un sigur reprezentativ, ales din întregul său teritoriu (așa numit în engleză, at-large, state-wide).
Congress | At-large |
4th (4 decembrie 1796 – 1797) |
Andrew Jackson (D-R) |
William C.C. Claiborne (D-R) | |
5th (1797–1799) | |
6th (1799–1801) | |
7th (1801–1803) |
William Dickson (D-R) |
Anii 1803 - 1813 (3 delegați, 3 locuri)
[modificare | modificare sursă]Tennessee elected three representatives, at-large, state-wide for the 8th Congress, and then in separate districts after that.
Congress | 1st At-large seat | 2nd At-large seat | 3rd At-large seat |
8th (1803–1805) |
William Dickson (D-R) |
George W. Campbell (D-R) |
John Rhea (D-R) |
Congress | District | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
9th (1805–1807) |
John Rhea (D-R) |
George W. Campbell (D-R) |
William Dickson (D-R) |
10th (1807–1809) |
Jesse Wharton (D-R) | ||
11th (1809–1811) |
Robert Weakley (D-R) |
Pleasant Moorman Miller (D-R) | |
12th (1811–1813) |
John Sevier (D-R) |
Felix Grundy (D-R) |
1813 - 1823: 6 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]Tennessee elected six representatives from districts.
Congress | District | |||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | |
13th (1813–1815) |
John Rhea (D-R) |
John Sevier (D-R) |
Thomas K. Harris (D-R) |
John Henry Bowen (D-R) |
Felix Grundy (D-R) |
Parry Wayne Humphreys (D-R) |
Newton Cannon (D-R) | ||||||
14th (1815–1817) |
Samuel Powell (D-R) |
Isaac Thomas (D-R) |
Bennett H. Henderson (D-R) |
James B. Reynolds (D-R) | ||
William Grainger Blount (D-R) | ||||||
15th (1817–1819) |
John Rhea (D-R) |
Francis Jones (D-R) |
Samuel E. Hogg (D-R) |
Thomas Claiborne (D-R) |
George Washington Lent Marr (D-R) | |
16th (1819–1821) |
John Alexander Cocke (D-R) |
Robert Allen (D-R) |
Newton Cannon (D-R) |
Henry Hunter Bryan (D-R) | ||
17th (1821–1823) |
Vacant |
1823 - 1833: 9 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]From 1823 to 1833, Tennessee elected nine representatives.
Congress | District | ||||||||||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | |||||
18th (1823–1825) |
John Blair (Jackson D-R) |
John Alexander Cocke (Jackson D-R) |
James Israel Standifer (Jackson D-R) |
Jacob C. Isacks (Jackson D-R) |
Robert Allen (Jackson D-R) |
James T. Sandford (Jackson D-R) |
Sam Houston (Jackson D-R) |
James B. Reynolds (Jackson D-R) |
Adam Rankin Alexander (Jackson D-R) | ||||
19th (1825–1827) |
John Blair (J) |
John Alexander Cocke (J) |
James Coffield Mitchell (J) |
Jacob C. Isacks (J) |
Robert Allen (J) |
James K. Polk (J) |
Sam Houston (J) |
John Hartwell Marable (J) |
Adam Rankin Alexander (J) | ||||
20th (1827–1829) |
Pryor Lea (D) |
Robert Desha (D) |
John Bell (D) |
Davy Crockett (Anti-J) | |||||||||
21st (1829–1831) |
James Israel Standifer (J) |
Cave Johnson (J) | |||||||||||
22nd (1831–1833) |
Thomas Dickens Arnold (Anti-J) |
William Hall (J) |
William Fitzgerald (J) |
1833 - 1843: 13 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]For the ten years following the 1830 census, Tennessee had its largest apportionment of 13 seats.
1843 - 1853: 11 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]After the 1840 census, Tennessee lost 2 seats.
Congress | District | ||||||||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | |
28th (1843–1845) |
Andrew Johnson (D) |
William Tandy Senter (W) |
Julius W. Blackwell (D) |
Alvan Cullom (D) |
George Washington Jones (D) |
Aaron V. Brown (D) |
David W. Dickinson (W) |
Joseph Hopkins Peyton (W) |
Cave Johnson (D) |
John Baptista Ashe (W) |
Milton Brown (W) |
29th (1845–1847) |
William Michael Cocke (W) |
John Hervey Crozier (W) |
Barclay Martin (D) |
Meredith Poindexter Gentry (W) |
Lucien Bonaparte Chase (D) |
Frederick Perry Stanton (D) | |||||
Edwin Hickman Ewing (W) | |||||||||||
30th (1847–1849) |
Hugh Lawson White Hill (D) |
James Houston Thomas (D) |
Washington Barrow (W) |
William T. Haskell (W) | |||||||
31st (1849–1851) |
Albert Galiton Watkins (W) |
Josiah M. Anderson (W) |
John Houston Savage (D) |
Andrew Ewing (D) |
Isham G. Harris (D) |
Christopher Harris Williams (W) | |||||
32nd (1851–1853) |
William Montgomery Churchwell (D) |
William Hawkins Polk (Ind. D) |
William Cullom (W) |
1853 - 1863: 10 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]After the 1850 census, Tennessee lost 1 seat.
Congress | District | |||||||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | |
33rd (1853–1855) |
Brookins Campbell (D) |
William Montgomery Churchwell (D) |
Samuel Axley Smith (D) |
William Cullom (W) |
Charles Ready (W) |
George Washington Jones (D) |
Robert Malone Bugg (W) |
Felix Zollicoffer (W) |
Emerson Etheridge (W) |
Frederick Perry Stanton (D) |
Nathaniel Green Taylor (W) | ||||||||||
34th (1855–1857) |
Albert Galiton Watkins (D) |
William Henry Sneed (K-N) |
John Houston Savage (D) |
Charles Ready (K-N) |
John Vines Wright (D) |
Felix Zollicoffer (K-N) |
Emerson Etheridge (K-N) |
Thomas Rivers (K-N) | ||
35th (1857–1859) |
Horace Maynard (K-N) |
John DeWitt Clinton Atkins (D) |
William Tecumsah Avery (D) | |||||||
36th (1859–1861) |
Thomas Amos Rogers Nelson (O) |
Horace Maynard (O) |
Reese Bowen Brabson (O) |
William Brickly Stokes (O) |
Robert Hopkins Hatton (O) |
James Houston Thomas (D) |
James Minor Quarles (O) |
Emerson Etheridge (O) | ||
37th (1861–1863) |
Nelson reelected but failed to take office | Horace Maynard (U) |
George Washington Bridges (U) |
Andrew Jackson Clements (U) |
American Civil War |
1863 - 1873: 8 seats
[modificare | modificare sursă]After the 1860 census, Tennessee lost 2 seats.
Congress | District | |||||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | |
38th (1863–1865) |
American Civil War | |||||||
39th (1865–1867) |
Nathaniel Green Taylor (U) |
Horace Maynard (Unconditional U) |
William Brickly Stokes (U) |
Edmund Cooper (U) |
William B. Campbell (U) |
Samuel Mayes Arnell (Unconditional U) |
Isaac Roberts Hawkins (U) |
John W. Leftwich (U) |
40th (1867–1869) |
Roderick R. Butler (R) |
Horace Maynard (R) |
William Brickly Stokes (R) |
James Mullins (R) |
John Trimble (R) |
Samuel Mayes Arnell (R) |
Isaac Roberts Hawkins (R) |
David Alexander Nunn (R) |
41st (1869–1871) |
Lewis Tillman (R) |
William Farrand Prosser (R) |
William Jay Smith (R) | |||||
42nd (1871–1873) |
Abraham Ellison Garrett (D) |
John Morgan Bright (D) |
Edward Isaac Golladay (D) |
Washington C. Whitthorne (D) |
Robert Porter Caldwell (D) |
William Wirt Vaughan (D) |
1873 - present
[modificare | modificare sursă]After the 1870 census, Tennessee gained 2 seats.
[modificare | modificare sursă]Acest format explică folosirea CULORILOR și ABREVIERILOR aplicabile membrilor Congresului Statelor Unite ale Americii. This is a key to party COLORS and ABBREVIATIONS for Members of the U.S. Congress. Abrevierea numelor partidelor și/sau a numelor complete sunt folosite pentru acces "universal". Party abbreviations or full names are retained for universal visual access. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||