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Utilizator:Lucian MARINA/Proiect

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MARINA Lucian (n. 26 iulie 1954, la Vârșeț) este o personalitate distinsă a vieții cultural-științifice a românilor din Serbia. Acest distins animator cultural continuă bogata tradiție din moși strămoși de cărturari și activiști culturali, iluminiști și lucrători cultural-științifici. Dragostea față de carte, artele frumoase și cultură în genere, împreună cu soția Steluța Marina, născută Barbu (n. 10 ianuarie 1951), a înfiripat-o și fiului Andrei (n. 5 octombrie 1983), precum șii fiicei Elena Andreea (n. 24 decembrie 1988). Născut din părinți români (tata Coriolan (n. 6 decembrie 1931 - d. ), inginer de origine din satul Voivodinț, de lângă orașul Vârșeț, supranumit Satul Voivodului, atestat documentar din anul 1446 și mama Livia supranumită Leana n. Brenici, a lu' Crăciun, pedagog de școală veche) a fost să fie un român. În spiritul românismului a fost educat atât de bunicul său Aurel a lu' Păun Soare (cantor, corist și activist cultural la Casa de Cultură) și de tata Coriolan, cât și, în special, de bunica Livia, respectiv de mama sa Livia-Leana o învățătoare deosebit de dotată, care a terminat Școala Normală din Vârșeț în limba română iar, apoi, a absolvit și Institutul de Pedagogie, fiind un institutor și pedagog deosebit de apreciat și laureat pentru munca sa fără abnegație și cu Medalia Învățătorul partizan-Partizanski učitelj. A frecventat Școala generală (1969)și Liceul din Vârșeț (1973), în limba română. Absolvent la Facultatea de Drept din Novi Sad (1978), Provincia Autonomă Voivodina - Republica Serbia. A absolvit și Facultatea de Științe Politice din Zagreb]] (1990), Republica Croația. Este unicul român din Serbia care și-a luat licența în jurnalistică. A fost crainic la Postul de Radio Novi Sad (1978-1980), apoi, ziarist în Redacția comună pentru programul în limba română la Radio și Televiziunea Novi Sad (1981-1983), redactor la Radio-Televiziunea Serbiei (1983-1984), redactor de emisiune la Postul de Radio Novi Sad (1984-1985), redactor de rubrică la Postul de Radio Novi Sad (1985-1986), redactor-comentator la Postul de Radio Novi Sad (1986-1987), redactor-liber comentator la Postul de Radio Novi Sad (1987-1988), redactor-comentator la Televiziunea Novi Sad (1988-1989), redactor-reporter la Televiziunea Novi Sad (1989-2000), redactor de emisiuni complexe la Televiziunea Novi Sad (1989-2000), redactor-comentator la Radio-Televiziunea Serbiei (2000-2004), redactor-realizator la Televiziunea Novi Sad - Radio-Televiziunea Serbiei (2004-2006), redactor de emisie la Radio-Televiziunea Voivodinei - TV Novi Sad (2006- ).

Professional Employment: Speaker/Journalist/Commentator of Novi Sad - Serbia Broadcast and Television - Section for Romanian language (1978-2002) = Speaker at Novi Sad Broadcasting station (1978-1980), Journalist of Novi Sad Broadcasting station and Television (1981-1983), Journalist-Redactor of Broadcast and Television of Serbia (1983-1986), Commentator at Novi Sad Broadcasting station (1986-1988), Reporter at Novi Sad Television (1988-2000), Redactor Commentator at Novi Sad Television (2000-2002)

Publications and creative works: ,,Modern aspects of commentary in contemporary electronic mass-media”, Zagreb (1990); ,,Study of Romanian language and literature at Novi Sad University”, co-author with dr. Lia Magdu, Novi Sad (1996); ,,Literary colony – creative camp of Romanian writers from Voivodina - Serbia” (1973-1983), Contribution, volume 1, Novi Sad (1998); ,,A specific jubilee”, Contribution to monograph of Novi Sad Broadcasting station, in Romanian language, Novi Sad (1999/2000); ,,50 years of program in Romanian language on Novi Sad Broadcasting station”, Romanian-Serbian version, (manuscript), Novi Sad (2002)

Editor/Editor-in-chief: ,,Caietele S.L.R.”- Folklore 1,2,3,4,5,6 (1991-1995), Cultural patrimony (1992), School 1,2,3,4,5 (1992-1997), Language (1997); ,,Bulevardul Eroilor Naționali”, ,,Soare, bună dimineața” (1998); ,,Dacă mă întrebi pe mine”; ,,Sfârșit de vară” (1999); ,,La prima citire” (2000); ,,MEMORIAL Radu Flora” (2001); Also publishes a cultural magazine named ,,Romanian language". Member of Editorial Advisory Board - ,,Caietele S.L.R.” (1990-2002); Multilingual journal ,,Most” (Bridge), seven language (1993); Romanian magazine ,,Twenty First Century” (2001); Serb-Romanian cultural magazine ,,Ogledalo-Oglinda” (1994-2002);

Screen play writer (and art director): More reports about Romanian Revolution (1989); documentary ,,Seventy years of Big Romania”, short documentary about Romanian traditions and customs ,,Fășancu” (1994); ,,Paștile” (1995, 1999); ,,Ciuraleșa” (1996, 1997); ,,Crăciunul” (1997); ,,Floriile” (1999), ,,Saint John” (2001), ,,Rusaliile” (2002); ,,Mătcălau” (2002), documentary ,,Romanians from New York who are originally from Yugoslavian Banat” (1991); ,,Romanians from Republic Moldova” (2000); ,,Romanians from Hungary” (2000); ,,Romanians from Ukraine” (2001) and just finished a very important fifty-minutes documentary ,,Romanians from Voivodina” (Serbia) directed by principal Yugoslav film house ,,CENTAR FILM” Belgrade – 2002.

Organizational Memberships: Executive Committee Member of ,,Congress of Romanians from all the world”, Member/,,Association of Historians from Banat - Romania”, Member/,,Union of journalists from Yugoslavia”, President of the most respectable association of Romanians from Yugoslavia named ,,Society for Romanian language from Voivodina – Serbia” (alias Academy of Sciences of the Romanians from Serbia); Founder/Member of the association of Romanian intellectuals from Serbia ,,Forum 21”/ Initiator/Romanian association ,,Community of Romanian from Yugoslavia”; Founder/,,Society Serb-Romanian friendship from Voivodina”; Founder/,,Serb-Romanian Brotherhood from Serbia”; Founder/Novi Sad Romanian Library ,,Nichita Stănescu”; Foundator and Chief-Coordinator of Novi Sad Romanian Experimental Theatre Troupe ,,THALIA”; Initiator/Coordinator from Yugoslavia for establishing of Yugoslav-Romanian-Hungarian association of journalists, writers, editors, critics who live and work in European region DKMT (European region of Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary between rivers Danube, Crish, Muresh and Tisa), president of Executive Committee of Coordinator concile of NGO Department of Institute for Culture of Voivodina …

National awards: Federal Government of Yugoslavia, Ministry of Foreign Office - Conferred the prizes of the Order of Distinction for immeasurable contribution to public information and for professionalism demonstrated by prestigious performance (1990); Presidence of Autonome Province of Voivodina, State of Serbia - Conferred the honour for professionalism demonstrated as war reporter from Romanian Revolution (1990); Broadcasting Organization of Serbia – Award for professional reports about Romanian Revolution (1990).

International Awards: Edition ,,Biblioteca pentru toți” (Library for all) – Medal for outstanding contribution, Romania (1996); Edition ,,Almanahul Banatului” - Award ,,VIP in Banat 2000”, Romania; Broadcasting Society of Romania, Broadcast Moldova - Silver Medal for outstanding service in the field of Romanian broadcast (2001); American-Romanian Club ,,Banatul” New York, U.S.A.– Accolade (1991); Association of Valahs (Romanians) from Bulgaria - Award (1993); Transilvanian Association for Romanians Literature and Culture ,,ASTRA” – Special awards for outstanding contribution in field of culture (1996); Broadcasting Society of Romania – Award for outstanding contribution in promoting values of Romanian broadcasting (1996); International Academy ,,Mihai Eminescu”, New Delhi, India - Certificate of Accrediting Membership in good standing in recognition of contribution to literature, art and education (1997); Society for Romanian language from Voivodina, Serbia – Certificate of Merit (1997); International Exhibition of Book – Iași, Romania – Award ,,Romanian ethos” for distinguished achievement (1997); National Institute for Romanian Society and Culture, Romania - Honorable member, Certificate of Merit for artistic, cultural and scientific activity (1998); Union of Serbs from Romania – Award (1999); International University Center of Chișinău (Kishinev), Republic of Moldova – Honorable member in recognition of contribution to popularization of literary creation of biggest Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu (2000); Association of Romanians from Hungary – Prize (2000); Congress of Romanian Spirituality, Romania – Certificate of Honor for exceptional contribution to progressing the ideal of spiritual unity of Romanians from everywhere (2000); Global Forum of Aromanians, Macedonia – Certificate of Merit for cultural cooperation (2000); Broadcasting Society of Romania, Broadcast Iași – Certificate of Honour for prestigious contribution in promove national culture and spirituality (2001); Society for Romanian Culture from Ukraina – Prize (2001); Foundation ,,Friends of Hercules” – Award for preserving cultural identity (2002); Broadcasting Society of Romania, Broadcast Moldova – Prize (2002), Award ,,Cultural relation” from Moldova -Romania, Award of Institute for Culture from Voivodina’s Culture ,, Stars of Culture”(2004), Medal ,,Aurel Vlaicu” of Arad University – Romania (2005), Award of International Festival of etno film (2005), Award of Excelence from Romanian Bibliothec ,,Nichita Stanescu” Novi Sad (2006)

Chairman, Organizing Committee, ,,Literar colony” of Romanian writers from Voivodina (1992-2002); ,,Writers on the border”, meeting of writers and critics from Romania and Yugoslavia (1993-2002); ,,Memorial Radu Flora” (1997-2002); Scientific session, Locve (1998); International Symposium, Zrenianin (1999-2002), International Symposium ,,2000 - Year of Mihai Eminescu”- ,,Translator, Writer and Philosopher Ion Miloș” (2000);

Head (or member) of the delegation of Romanians from Yugoslavia: The First Forum of Romanians from all around the world–Neptun ’91; Reception at President of Romania – Elisabethian Palace, București ’91; International Symposium of social sciences at Romanians from Serbia–Timișoara ’91; Meeting of theachers and scientists of Romanian language– Brașov ’91, Timișoara 1992, 1993; Congress of Romanians of The World, Romanians Spirituality and Culture”–Băile Herculane 1991, 1993, 1995, 2000; International Symposium about Romanians culture and science–Timișoara 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000; Congress of Linguists from Romania- Timișoara ’92; Seventy year of Big Romania – Alba Iulia ’93; Writer’s Meeting on The Border – Timișoara 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000; Festivity of poesy – Iași ’96, Congress of Transilvanian Association ,,ASTRA” – 1999; The Fifth International Exhibition of Book– Iași 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001; The Second International Conference ,,Romania and Romanian in contemporary science” – Brașov ’97; Writers Meeting at Union of Romanians Writers from Republic of Moldova - Kișiniev ’97; ,,Romanian language medium for cooperation and broadcast informing”–București-Baia Mare ’98, București-Arad-Seged (Hungary)–2000, București-Suceava-Cernauți (Ukraina) – 2001; Folclor Festival ,,Trandafir de la Moldova” - 1998; The First International Theatre Festival–Giurgiu ’98; ,,Festival of Roses”–Timișoara ’99; Reception at President of Romania – Cotroceni 2001; ,,Media Vest” - Timișoara 2002…

He also participated: ,,Folclor Spring Festival of Romanian from USA and Canada” (1991); ,,Writer’s Meeting on the Border” – Sečanj-Jaša Tomić-Sutiesca-Timisoara (Romania) 1993, 1994, Sečanj-Sutiesca - Timisoara 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 200, 2003, 2004, International Symposium of historians ,,Romania – Latin, permanence and independence” - Craiova ’94; The International Symposium ,,Opus of Eminescu – synthesis of Romanian spirituality” – Iași ’96; Scientific investigation at Romanians of Serbia – Locve 1998; The International Book Fair – Belgrade 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001; 2004, 2005 The International Exhibition of Book – Novi Sad 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002; 2003, 2004, 2005, International Conference ,,Danube – river of cooperation” – Belgrade 1995, 1998, 2001,2002, 2004,); International Symposium ,,Year of Eminescu” – Sutiesca 2000; The International Symposium ,,Writer, translator and philosopher Ion Miloș” 2000; International Symposium ,,Personality from Banat”–Uzdin 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2000, 2001, 2002; The Meeting of Romanians Writers from all the World – Neptun ’2001; Scientific session ,,Literar and musical folclor of Romanians from iugoslav Banat – Vladimirovaț – 2001 and more other, Simposion ,,Romanian lingvistes from Voivoidina-2005, Simposion ,,Romanian poets from Voivodina “-2006

Training: Vice-president of Novi Sad Scouts department – Certificate of ,,Exemplary investigator”; Commandant of youth units who participated in Bosnia at the Šamac-Sarajevo railroad construction – Award ,,The best worker” (1978); Member of General command of youth workers’ camp on Fruška Gora in Voivodina where a mountain road had been made – Award ,,The best worker” (1979); in Bosnia, becomes ,,Trainer of Trainers" for the driver of tank at YU army–Award ,,Brave soldier”; literary work-camp (1990-2001); Writers’ meeting (1993-2001); Organized: after 1998 sets the bases of the first Romanian Experimental Theatre Troupe ,,Thalia" for artistic management in the theatrical life of Romanians in Voivodina, attempting, in his quality of manager and sponsor, to reinvigorate the cultural act. ,,Thalia” won many prizes (Award from International Theatre Festival - Giurgiu, Romania (1998); Special Award of dignified competition ,,Day of Romanian Theatre from Voivodina” (1998); First place for Troupe ,,Thalia”, First place for Art Director, First place for Female Role, Award for Music, Award for Debut…);]]

Address: Serbia and Montenegro (former Yugoslavia), Serbia, 21.000 Novi Sad, Bulevar Slobodana Jovanovića 50 Phone: +381 21 662 30 40 Fax +381 21 639 44 12; CELULAR 063 / 568 393 064 / 394-1989 E-mail:[date de contact]