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Utilizator:Petreleon/teste/Linux distros

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Lista cuprinde distribuții Linux notabile, cu informații generale despre fiecare. Distribuțiile sunt organizate în secțiuni fie după distribuția care stă la bază, fie după sistemul de gestiune a pachetelor folosit.

Distribuții bazate pe Debian[modificare | modificare sursă]

Debian este o distribuție care promovează aplicațiile software liber și care are suport pentru multe platforme hardware. Distribuțiile bazate pe Debian folosesc pachetele în format .deb și programul de gestiune a pachetelor dpkg.

Distribuție Descriere
Baltix Distribuție localizată pentru țările baltice.
BeatrIX Distribuție compactă (200Mb) originară în Cehia.
Bonzai Linux Distribuție de 180 MB, KDE desktop. Documentația este în limba germană.
Boss Distribuție bazată pe Debian cu mediu Gnome Desktop în limba indiană, în mare pachetele sunt pentru domeniul guvernamental.
Debian-BR-CDD O distribuție braziliană Debian customizată. GNOME desktop.
DeveLinux O mică distribuție Live CD pentru dezvoltatori, studenți și profesori, bazată pe un snapshot Debian.
Elive Un LiveCD și o distribuție folosind Enlightenment ca unic window manager. Are ca țintă intuitivitatea și utilizarea facilă.
Finnix O mică distribuție LiveCD pentru administrare de sistem, disponibilă pentru mai multe arhitecturi.
Freespire O distribuție care poate fi rulată direct de pe CD în modul "live" sau folosită pentru instalare pe un hard disk. Două versiuni sunt disponibile, inclusiv una care conține drivere, codecuri și aplicații care implementează suport pentru MP3, Windows Media, Java, Flash, QuickTime, Real șamd.
GenieOS Un CD care ajută utilizatorii noi să instaleze un desktop Debian standard, împreună cu plugin-uri third-party comune care nu sunt distribuite prin pachetele oficiale Debian package(DVD player, Flash, Sun's Java, și MPlayer). Include desktopurile GNOME sau KDE. Cunoscut anterior sub numeleDebian Pure, dar redenumit la solicitarea dezvoltatorilor Debian pentru a evita confuzia. Vezi track record și homepage.
Gnoppix O versiune a distribuției Knoppix care folosește GNOME ca și desktop. Această distribuție este bazată în prezent pe arhitectura LiveCD folosită pentru Ubuntu.
GNUSTEP O distribuție orientată spre dezvoltare cu o mulțime de soft bazat pe GNUstep.
Hiweed O distribuție pentru limba Chineză cu tastatură Chinezească simplificată, dicționare chinezești și fonturi TrueType chinezești.
Kanotix O distribuție Live CD bazată pe Knoppix care poate fi de asemenea instalată pe hard disk. Cunoscută pentru excelentul suport hardware și integrare desktop pe laptop. Desktop KDE, opțional și alte desktopuri.
Knoppix Prima versiune LiveCD (mai târziu DVD) de Debian GNU/Linux. Este utilizabil după bootarea de pe CD și vine cu o cantitate mare de software. Timpul de bootare este relativ lung în toate distribuțiile Knoppix din cauza detectării hardware extinse.
Kurumin O versiune de Knoppix creată pentru utilizatorii brazilieni.
Kalango O altă distribuție braziliană bazată pe Knoppix,cu o interfață vizuală atrăgătoare.
LinEx Distribuție promovată de guvernul comunității Extremadura, Spania.
Linspire Distribuție creată pentru un utilizator cu cunoștințe medii in domeniul calculatoarelor.
Loco Linux O distribuție argentiniană.
MeNTOPPIX O distribuție indoneziană bazată pe Knoppix,cu o interfață vizuală atrăgătoare.
Morphix O distribuție LiveCD cu diferite arome, inclusiv GNOME. Folosită drept bază pentru multe alte distribuții cum ar fi Clusterix, PHlAK sau Gnix.
NepaLinux O distribuție bazată pe Debian si Morphix concentrată pe utilizarea în limba nepală. Vezi homepage.
PingOO O distribuție franceză îndreptată către comunități locale,organizații publice,școli,etc. Vine în trei ediții: PingOO Communication Server, PingOO Secure Server și PingOO File Server. Include desktop-uri GNOME și KDE. Vezi homepage.
Parsix Parsix GNU/Linux este un distro linux LiveCD instalabil. Parsix are la bază KANOTIX și Debian Sid. Vezi homepage.
sidux O distribuție bazată pe Debian Sid.
Storm Linux O distribuție bazată pe Debian.
Sun Wah RAYS LX O distribuție desktop dezvoltată în China.
Symphony OS O distribuție bazată pe Debian ce include inovativul mediu desktop Mezzo. Versiunile anterioare aveau la bază Knoppix.
Tuquito Distribuție ce are la bază Debian și este creată în Argentina.
Ubuntu Distribuție sponsorizată de Canonical Ltd. și de sud-africanul Mark Shuttleworth. Uses its own package repositories seeded from snapshots of Debian Unstable taken at six-month intervals. Scopul acestei distribuții este de a oferi un desktop complet și finisat pe un singur CD.
Xandros Open Circulation Edition Are la bază Xandros 3.0 Standard Edition,singurele diferențe fiind incapacitatea de a scrie DVD-uri și scrierea CD-urilor limitată la o viteză maximă 4X.
Zen Linux Un LiveCD. Desktopurile disponibile sunt GNOME și KDE.

Distribuții GNU/Linux bazate pe Ubuntu[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Kubuntu Versiune Ubuntu ce folosește implicit ca interfață utilizator mediul desktop KDE.
Xubuntu Versiune Ubuntu ce folosește implicit ca interfață utilizator mediul desktop Xfce.
gNewSense Un sistem de operare complet liber.
andLinux Distribuție care rulează nativ sub Microsoft Windows.
Linux Mint Distribuție derivată din Debian-Ubuntu, cu toate codec-urile și plugin-urile necesare deja incluse.
Trisquel Distribuție derivată din Debian-Ubuntu complet liberă.
Zorin OS Distribuție derivată din Debian-Ubuntu aproape liberă și poate sa arate ca Windows XP/Windows 7/Unity

Distribuții GNU/Linux bazate pe Gentoo[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
BinToo O distribuție ce conține un număr mare de programe de calculator pre-instalate pentru utilizatorii ce nu au o conexiune permanentă la Internet.
EpiOS O distribuție pentru sistemele bazate pe EPIA.
Fantoo O distribuție ce se vrea a conține pachete de ultimă oră.
Flash Linux O distribuție ce încape pe un stick de 256MB.
Gentoo O distribuție pentru entuziaști și profesioniști deopotrivă, ce are propriul sistem de gestiune a pachetelor, denumit Portage. Implicit, aplicațiile sunt compilate din codul sursă pe sistemul utilizatorului, în loc să fie distribuite sub formă de pachete binare pre-compilate.
Gentoox O adaptare a Gentoo pentru Xbox.
Kororaa O distribuție ce oferă o metodă ușoară de instalare a sistemului Gentoo cu ajutorul unor scripturi de instalare în locul unei configurări manuale. Kororaa a atras repede atenția în Martie 2006, când a devenit primul CD Live disponibil ce utiliza Xgl pentru grafică.
Knopperdisk O distribuție nouă menită doar pentru stickuri USB.
Medeix O distribuție bazată pe ideea unui singur PC bazat pe numeroase calculatoare interconectate. Folosește distcc pentru a reduce în mare măsură timpul de compilare în rețea.
Navyn OS O distribuție pe CD Live. Cele mai multe aplicații din Navyn OS consumă foarte puține resurse.
Pentoo Distribuție pe CD Live pentru teste de securitate prin simularea de atacuri.
Sabayon Linux Sabayon Linux este un DVD Live distribuit inițial sub numele de "RR4 Linux" (pe 32 de biți) și "RR64 Linux" (pe 64 de biți), începând cu 18 Martie 2006. Include un număr mare de medii pentru desktop și aplicații open-source. La fel ca Knoppix, Sabayon Linux poate fi instalat pe hard drive (discul fix).
SystemRescueCd CD Live de recuperare bazat pe Gentoo Live.
Ututo O distribuție realizată în Argentina.
VidaLinux O distribuție bazată pe Gentoo, dar care folosește pentru instalare programul Anaconda.
Rogentos O distribuție bazată pe Sabayon/Gentoo realizată în România.

Distribuții bazate pe Red Hat Enterprise[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Asianux A distribution co-developed between Red Flag Software Co., Ltd., Miracle Linux Corp. and Haansoft, INC., focused on Chinese, Japanese and Korean supports based upon Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
CentOS Community supported distribution which aims to be 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux without Red Hat branding and various non-free software
GENtOS Generating ENterprise Operating Systems to be 100% binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
GnYOUlinux Emphasising whos important while creating 100% binary-compatible operating systems.
Pie Box Enterprise Linux Pie Box Enterprise Linux aims to be 100% binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux by introducing minimal changes to the upstream packages. See homepage
Scientific Linux A distribution solely recompiled from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source distributed under GPL.
White Box Enterprise Linux A distribution designed to be 100% binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
YOUrOS YOUr Operating System or YOUr Own System - 100% binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

See Red Hat Enterprise Linux clones for a more complete list, as well as Commercial products based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Distribuții bazate pe RPM[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
aLinux O distributie pentru acasa,facuta sa fie echivalenta cu Windows XP Home (formerly known as Peanut Linux).
ALT Linux Several distributions including Master, Compact, and Junior. Valued for strong Cyrillic support, security (related to Owl GNU/*/Linux) and community.
Annvix A security-focused server distribution using tools like runit, urpmi, SSP-enhanced GCC, and more. Originally based on Mandrake 9.2 but has diverged a lot.
Ark Linux A distribution focused on ease of use and ease of learning, while remaining technically sane.
ASPLinux A distribution that provides support for Russian and other Cyrillic languages.
Aurox A distribution with emphasis on support for several European languages.
Berry Linux A medium-sized Fedora Core-based distribution that provides support in Japanese and English.
BLAG Linux and GNU An entirely Free Software-based distribution intended for the home desktop user designed to provide many features while remaining within the size of one CD.
Caixa Mágica A Portuguese distribution.
cAos Linux A general purpose distribution managed by the community. Designed to be lightweight (fast and can be suitable for running on older hardware) and easily customizable
Cobind A distribution meant for the home computer which uses XFCE and Nautilus.
EnGarde Secure Linux EnGarde Secure Linux is a highly-secure, server-only community distribution built on a foundation of SELinux policies and sponsored by Guardian Digital, Inc. of Allendale NJ.
Fedora A general purpose distribution for workstation, desktop and server use. Developed by Red Hat and the community.
Fox Linux A Fedora Core-based distribution made in Italy, designed for basic home computing tasks such as browsing the Web, writing and printing documents, using multimedia and burning discs.
Linux Mobile System A Fedora Core-based distribution designed to boot from USB Mass Storage devices, such as keydrives.
Magic Linux A distribution for Chinese users designed to be easy to use.
MCNLive A Mandriva-based distribution designed to run from CD or USB Flash Drive, focused on multimedia, internet, graphics.
NOPPENLINUX The first user-made Live CD based on SUSE Linux, targeted at system rescue and software development.
PCLinuxOS A Live CD distribution by Texstar, which can be installed to hard disk. Originally based on Mandrake 9.2 but has diverged since, while remaining RPM-based.
PCQLinux2005 A distribution made by the Indian magazine PCQuest, based on Fedora Core.
PhoeNUX OS A distribution developed to be easy to use, stable, and cohesive in design. Based originally off Ark Linux, Mandriva LE2005, and SuSE Linux, however has diverged into it's own flavour.
PLD Linux Distribution A distribution intended for more advanced users, while remaining more convenient than Slackware or Gentoo.
QiLinux Made in Italy, completely from scratch. The QiLinux staff has developed a desktop and live version as well as a server and advanced server version.
Red Flag Linux A distribution developed in China and optimised for the Chinese market.
Sesco Linux A secure distribution by Sesco information Systems Inc.
Tinfoil Hat Linux A distribution stated to be aimed at the security-conscious and paranoid.
Trustix A somewhat-hardened distribution focused on security. Contrast SELinux, from NSA, which is a set of kernel modifications, not a distribution, and cannot be used alone, however.
Vine Linux A Japanese distribution based on Red Hat Linux.
Yellow Dog A Fedora Core Linux-based distribution for the PowerPC platform.
YOPER "Your Operating System", a desktop distribution from New Zealand.

Distribuții Linux gratuite bazate pe Slackware[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Austrumi business card size (50MB) bootable live CD Linux distribution developed by Latvian programmers
<<Back|Track a network security suite developed by It includes many penetration testing utilities and code development tools. <<Back|Track also features a hard disk installer in addition to being a live CD.
College Linux A distribution meant to be used for the common college student. It was discontinued in 2003, but resurrected in 2006.
DARKSTAR a very configurable Linux based on Slack made in Romania. See track record.
Frugalware general purpose Linux distribution, designed for intermediate users. See track record.
Kate OS A Slackware based lightweight, Polish language distribution. Newer versions are done completely from scratch, not backwardly Slackware compatible. See track record.
Mutagenix A Slackware based live CD with the Freerock GNOME desktop package.
Plamo Linux A Slackware based Japanese distribution.
RUNT A Slackware based distribution which is designed to be installed on keydrive. See project page.
Salocin Salocin Linux is an advanced distribution that caters to both beginners and pros. It is based on Slackware and adds features such as Portage from Gentoo and many other useful tools and features. They include a wide range of desktop environments and open-source software applications. This distribution can also be run as a live DVD.
Slackware The oldest Linux distribution still maintained. Slackware packages are tar/gziped files with the extension .tgz.
SLAX A Slackware based small live CD which can also be installed on keydrive. No hard drive install. See track record.
Sauver Sauver is a "Live CD", so no installation is required. The whole Operating System runs right off any removable media (USB or CD) , putting whatever system files it needs into RAM only. A simple to use and very useful for recovering deleted files & perform various other day to day activities. Includes GUI tools for Installing Wi-fi Drivers, Creating SWAP Files, Recovering Deleted files, Partition Manager and various others.
Topologi Designed to run on top of Microsoft Windows. Does not need any partition changes. See Topologi Homepage
Ultima Linux Customized distro by Martin Ultima.
Vector Linux A user-friendly lightweight distribution.
Zenwalk Linux (formerly MiniSlack) A Slackware based optimized distribution featuring XFCE as the default desktop, Gnome libraries, the new reiserfs filesystem, and new kernel. See track record.
Truva Linux A Slackware based Turkish Linux distro
Splack Linux A Slackware port for SUN SPARC based architecture, both SPARC32 and SPARC64.
Slamd64 A Slackware port for x86-64 architecture. See track record. See project page.
Slackintosh A Slackware port for PPC architecture. See track record. See project page.
Bluewhite64 Linux Un port neoficial Slackware pentru arhitectura AMD-64/EM64T.

Distribuții Linux binare bazate pe alte tipuri de sisteme de pachete[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Arch Linux An i686-optimized Linux distribution targeted at competent Linux users. Uses pacman utility to update packages.
CRUX CRUX is a lightweight, i686-optimized Linux distribution targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is "keep it simple", which is reflected in a simple tar.gz-based package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages
Foresight Linux A distribution built around the quite new packaging system Conary.
Generations Linux A live CDROM distribution based on the 2.6 linux kernel with KDE and (default)Fvwm desktops.
GoboLinux An alternative Linux distribution which redefines the entire file system hierarchy by installing everything belonging to one application in one subfolder under /Programs, and using symlinks from /System and its subfolders to point to the proper files.
IBLS A modular mini Linux server distribution.
ImpiLinux A South African distribution that focuses on the needs of African users. See homepage
Jedi GNU/Linux A source-based GNU/Linux Metadistribution which is built around the force-get package manager. It is currently in a beta-state (as of June 2005) but is in constant development.
MkLinux A distribution for PowerPC systems that runs the Linux kernel as a server on top of the Mach microkernel.
NimbleX A modular distribution intended for nonexperienced users. It runs from the CD/USB.
Phrealon A live CD distribution intended for making the imaging of workstations a simple procedure.
Underground Desktop a desktop distribution based on Arch Linux, i686-optimized and with KDE desktop. See homepage
Pardus A multilingual distribution, developed in Turkey. It uses PISI (a new package management system) as package manager, COMAR as configuration framework. Pardus 2007 will introduce a new, fast init system based on Python.

Distribuții sursă cu sau fără un sistem de pachete[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Gentoo Has its own package manager, Portage, and is the base for several other distributions.
Heretix The successor of RubyX, management of this distribution is done via the Ruby programming language. Packagement is handled via Ruby as well, with packages being installed in one folder under /pkg. (Currently, June 2005, in very very early beta stage)
Linux From Scratch Un set de instrucțiuni pentru construire a unui sistem Linux prin compilarea din codul-sursă și instalarea (manuală sau automatizată) a fiecărei componente de către utilizator.
Lunar Linux A source code-based distribution descended from Sorcerer GNU/Linux.
Murix A Linux From Scratch-based distribution created with the goal to function on all hardware platforms.
Onebase Linux A distribution intended for a broad range of users.
ROCK Linux A distribution build kit, or in other words, a software development toolkit for building OS solutions.
Sorcerer A source code-based distribution.
Source Mage GNU/Linux A source code-based distribution, descended from Sorcerer GNU/Linux.
T2 Linux An open source system development environment (distribution build kit). T2 allows the creation of custom distributions. Currently, the Linux kernel is normally used, but Hurd, OpenDarwin and OpenBSD kernels are being ported to T2.
TA-Linux A distribution with a small base installation that the end-users can expand to include the software they need. Plans to support different architectures, such as Alpha, Sparc, PPC and PA-RISC, but at this time only x86 is fully supported.
YaKa An environment for describing and installing site wide systems. Describe your LAN with the YaKa language, launch the YaKa tools, reboot all your PXE based computers on your LAN

Distribuții mici pentru computere vechi[modificare | modificare sursă]

See also: MiniLinux

Most of the mini-distributions offer both hard disk and keydrive installation choices.

Distribuție Descriere
Austrumi A Latvian Live-CD mini-distribution that supports English. Based on Slackware and is similar to Puppy Linux, but includes a richer set of features.
Basic Linux (BL) Aimed at very low end and limited hardware, such as the 386/486 with 4MB memory. Comes on 2 floppies instead of the more normal CD. Slackware based and extendable with programs directly from the Slackware repository. One of the few "small" Linux distributions capable of running a graphical desktop.
cAos Linux Diversely managed by the community, general purpose, lightweight (fast and can be suitable for running on older hardware) and easily customizable
Damn Small Linux (DSL) Grandfather of mini distributions. A live CD designed for MiniCD with a hard drive install option. Started as a personal project to see how many usable desktop applications could fit inside a business card size 50MB MiniCD. Over time it has grown into a considerably active community project. Refinements include a fully automated remote and local application installation system and a very versatile backup and restore system which may be used with any writable media including a hard drive, a floppy drive or a USB device. Uses Knoppix hardware detection which - although detecting most hardware selection - takes a relatively long time to boot. Includes own *.dsl packaging system, but offers options to use deb package from Debian repositories to extend the system (use with caution). Uses Fluxbox window manager. See track record.
DeLi Linux Distribuție Linux special realizată pentru a rula pe calculatoare vechi, conține o interfața grafică, browser web și pachet office și care pot rula pe platforma i486.
Feather Linux Sharing similar goals as Damn Small Linux, but not based on it (Feather is more closely related to Knoppix). Includes more software packages than DSL raising the "small" limit to about 115MB. Uses Knoppix-based hardware detection and the Fluxbox window manager. Compatible with Debian packages (.deb).See track record.
Flonix USB Edition a light distro for nomad desktop that runs from USB Keydrive. This is a pure commercial distribution that can only be purchased pre-installed on USB sticks.
muLinux is a libc5-based Linux distribution, which has a basic installation fitted onto a single 1722K floppy disk, with optional floppy-disk add-ons. This allows the use of old computers as firewalls, printer servers, or data entry stations. There is a LiveCD version too, with an Xfce-like desktop environment, with GNOME support. It also has support for very low end and limited hardware, such as a 386/486 with 4MB memory. It is capable of running a graphical desktop from just two floppies.
pocketlinux A Slackware-based distribution developed by former developers of the now-discontinued Bonzai Linux. Includes a simplified Slackware installer & KDE Light desktop.
Puppy Linux A unique mini distribution which boots 2-3 times faster than other mini distributions due to being based on Slackware and not Knoppix. Runs well under low-end PCs - even under 32MB RAM - with its ultra-minimalistic approach. Contains very minimal set of utilities; e.g. earlier versions used BusyBox instead of bash to provide command line support. Managing the system to install new software requires more experience from average user. Uses JWM, a Windows-like window manager. See track record.
SimpleSlax Variant SLAX LiveCD designed to be both small at 120 MB and lightweight for use with older hardware. Clean and minimal GUI and file system settings with device information support and the option to use the Dillo web browser, built to load quickly and run smoothly on machines with under 300 MHz processing and less than 128 MB installed RAM. Provided with script and support notes for installation. See project page.
Stem Desktop A hybrid, which uses lightest packages from Debian repository together with few home grown deb packages to build desktop (Fvwm95) which would consume very little memory. Designed for low-end hardware (266 MHz/64 MB/install on disk ~800 MB). Unlike other mini-distributions, this one does not have its own install CD. User needs to install stock Debian (aka "Debian proper") CD first without selecting any packages and then run a custom text based install script which builds the rest through open network connection. See project page.
SPBLinux Mini-distribution for floppies and USB keydrives. See project page.
Vector Linux Medium-lightweight distro with a text based installer. Applications included function well on older computers. Available in both standard (minimalistic) and SOHO (Small Office/Home OFfice - with Open office, KDE etc; size 2GB) form. Deluxe (pay) version also available. The 'Dynamite' (800 MB) is the testing version. Advanced package management with slapt-get and gslapt. Pros: includes java, flash, Open Office and is quite fast. Cons: not cutting edge (Slackware based). See track record

Distribuții parțial sau total comerciale[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
ASLinux Desktop A Debian-based distribution with KDE desktop tailored for Spanish speaking persons. Includes office, gaming, science and software development programs. See track record.
Athene Operating System Fast system boot, fast GUI; see
BlueCat Linux An implementation of the Linux model enhanced for use in embedded systems ranging from small consumer-type devices to large-scale, multi-CPU systems.
EZblue Linux A linux distribution that leverages a simple 5-minute install and configuration process. It was originally designed as a stand-alone mail, print, and web server for small businesses and is a direct competitor to Microsoft's Small Business Server. See homepage
FireCast A linux distribution for Kiosks and Digital Signage applications.
Haansoft Linux A Red Hat based distribution with KDE desktop, and with GNOME desktop at 2006 Workstation, which has introduced many features of Asianux. 2005 Workstation and Server versions were previous release.
Libranet A Debian-based desktop distribution based upon and mostly compatible with Debian. The installation has hardware detection and the desktop has an 'adminmenu' (in both text and gui mode) to ease hardware and software configuration. The founder Jon Danzig died in 2005 and the future was undecided until it was officially discontinued 2006-03-15 by Tal Danzig. The story of this oldest Debian derived distribution is summed up in Libranet's last goodbye.
Linspire Another desktop-oriented distribution, previously called Lindows, based on Debian. Additional software is available from Linspire or via Debian's apt command, although compatibility with Debian is not guaranteed. Has significant proprietary software.
Linux XP An easy-to-use distribution without the hassle of re-partitioning the hard drive and going through complicated processes of hardware configuration. Last release December 19 2005.
Mandriva Linux Formerly known as Mandrakelinux. There are various products for servers, workstations, small businesses as well as individuals. Originally a Red Hat Linux variant optimized for Pentium-class CPUs, Mandriva Linux has since diverged to form its own distribution. While remaining entirely free software, Mandriva's business model adds further enterprise-class support and services, mainly through a subscription basis, as well as different release dates for individual members and non-members of their club. See homepage
MEPIS An easy-to-use Debian-based distribution which also runs as a LiveCD, allowing you to try out MEPIS before you decide to install it on your hard drive. There are several flavors to choose from. See homepage.
MEPIS Lite An entry level version of desktop MEPIS designed for home users with smaller hardware requirements (Pentium II/128MB/2G install).
SimplyMEPIS The official name for the "MEPIS" distribution.
MEPIS SoHoServer A general purpose server based on the recent release of Debian. Includes preconfigured Apache, PHP, Perl, MySql, Proftpd, Bind, DHCPd, Postfix, Dovecot, Shorewall, Squid, DansGuardian, Webmin, Usermin etc.
Mobilinux By Montavista for smartphones.
Nitix Developed by Net Integration Technologies Inc., Nitix claims to be the first autonomic Linux-based server operating system.
Open CoLinux Commercial version of virtualization engine of Linux for Windows called colinux. Runs Debian based Linux inside Windows with KDE desktop.
Oracle Unbreakable Linux
Pie Box Enterprise Linux Pie Box Enterprise Linux aims to be 100% binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux by introducing minimal changes to the upstream packages. See homepage
Progeny Componentized Linux A Linux distribution developed by Progeny, based on Debian, using Anaconda installer ported from Red Hat Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) The solely-commercial distribution for server market. The inventor of the RPM-packaging system for RPM-based distributions. See homepage
RXART Another desktop-oriented distribution, based on Debian. Additional software is available from Rxart repository or via Debian's apt command, although compatibility with Debian is not guaranteed. Has significant proprietary software.See[1]
Sun Wah RAYS LX A Debian-based desktop distribution, developed in China.
SUSE Linux A desktop-oriented Linux distribution supplied by Novell, Inc. (homepage). In 2004 Novell acquired SUSE which is based in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany. SUSE is one of the most popular distributions in Europe. Like Red Hat Linux, it is a large distribution on several CDs/DVDs. Free Eval versions are available for the SUSE Linux Enterprise versions. It includes a multipurpose configuration tool called YaST.
openSUSE A branch developed by the community and sponsored by Novell. openSUSE maintains a strict policy of insuring all code in the standard installs will be from Free/Libre/Open-Source Software solutions, including Linux kernel Modules. Novell's enterprise Linux products are all based on the codebase that comes out of the openSUSE project.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server A server-oriented Linux distribution supplied by Novell, Inc. and targeted at the business market.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (previously branded Novell Linux Desktop) A desktop-oriented Linux distribution supplied by Novell, Inc. and targeted at the enterprise market.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time A specialized version of the SUSE distribution from Novell designed to support low latency for time critical operations.
Tuga Commercial desktop distribution made in Italy, based on QiLinux.
Turbolinux A popular distribution in Asia, based on Red Hat Linux.
Userful DiscoverStation A locked down Linux distribution for Public Computers. See homepage.
Xandros Canadian based Xandros (based on the defunct Corel Linux) focuses on the desktop market and Windows compatibility. The Xandros distribution, unlike most others, may not be freely copied, as it contains proprietary software like the file manager, which allows direct copy-to-CD etc. Based on Debian, Xandros is compatible with Debian's dpkg package management system. Professional, like Linspire and SUSE. See homepage.
YES Linux A turnkey distribution that is specifically targeted to the Small office and Home office (SOHO). See homepage.
rPath Linux rPath Linux is a commercial Linux distribution that comes with rBuilder and rPath Linux. The whole distribution is geared towards large scale software development. Using rBuilder, application providers can migrate to a high-value, software subscription model while reducing their development and QA costs. See homepage.

Distribuții speciale[modificare | modificare sursă]

Some groups compile special purpose Linux distributions as turnkey firewalls, for embedded systems, and for other special purposes.

Distribuții orientate pe rețele[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Arudius Linux live-CD for information assurance.
ClarkConnect Router/firewall distribution
Coyote Linux Router/firewall distribution
Devil-Linux firewall/router/server distribution running from CD
Echelon Linux Designed to monitor and to manage a network - features vulnerability scanning and services monitoring. Based on DamnSmallLinux.
Eisfair small easy to install Internet-server[2]
Fli4l a single floppy ISDN, DSL and Ethernet-Router
FREESCO a free replacement for commercial routers supporting up to 10 network cards and up to 10 modems.
Gibraltar Router/firewall distribution. See track record.
IPCop Router/firewall distribution
NASLite a floppy-based Linux designed to turn an old computer into a simple Network Attached Storage device
nUbuntu CD-based Linux with tools needed for penetrating testing servers and networks with a Fluxbox GUI.
OpenWrt distribuție pentru embedded Router, WLAN-Router, DSL-Router. [3]
Operator Linux A CD-based Linux with tools for network administration and security testing. [4]
Peerix Designed to run over a p2p network filesystem
Sentry Firewall A firewall, server or intrusion detection system distribution
SmoothWall Router/firewall distribution
The Linux Router Project Router distribution
Tinfoil Hat Linux Bootable floppy distribution focusing on extreme security
Trinux Security tools distribution
trixbox Designed to easily set up a VOIP server based on Asterisk Open Source PBX.

Distribuții orientate pe educație[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Guadalinex An Ubuntu-based distribution promoted by the local government of Andalusia, Spain for home users and schools (cf. EduLinux, Skolelinux).
Skolelinux A distribution started in Norway as an affordable thin client distribution for schools (cf. EduLinux, Guadalinex).
Edubuntu Linux: A version of the Ubuntu distribution for education, including LTSP support.
EduLinux A distribution for educational purposes (cf. Guadalinex, Skolelinux).
K12Linux and K12LTSP A distribution for educational purpose. K12LTSP comes with LTSP support. Fedora core based.
AbulÉdu A distribution for educational purposes. Debian based.
College Linux A Slackware-based distro from Robert Kennedy College, Delemont, Switzerland. Discontinued in 2003, but resurrected in 2006.

Distribuții orientate pe Media[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
64Studio A Debian-based distribution attempting to specialize in audio and video production on AMD64 workstations.
DeMuDi multimedia (audio and video) production
dyne:bolic LiveCD geared toward multimedia (audio and video) production, but comes with other non-media specific application (eg: word processor, desktop publisher). Capable of easy modifications; runs on low spec computer and Xbox
Firecast A commercial distribution for Digital Signage and Kiosks.
GeeXboX LiveCD media center distribution, mainly to play special-encoded video files (eg: .ogg, XVID) on home theater.
MediainLinux LiveCD multimedia (audio and video) production ; Knoppix based
MiniMyth Net-bootable distribution to run frontend components of MythTV on diskless Via EPIA M hardware
Musix LiveCD; music production oriented, Knoppix based
c't-VDR Debian based digital video recorder distribution for DVB-S by German IT magazine "c't" ( Builds on Klaus Schmidinger's Video Disk Recorder (VDR) (
Ubuntu multimedia center Ubuntu-based distribution launched late 2006. In release candidate development stage, developed by Zach Thibeau. Future versions will include media applications such as MythTV and Songbird Media Player. Download only.

Altele[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
AMiLDA An embedded distribution for routers using the ADM5120 MIPS chipset.
AndLinux A full Debian Unstable Linux running on Windows in native speed.
Bootable business card distros
Cooperative Linux CoLinux is a virtualization effort to run Linux simultaneously along with Windows. CoLinux is similar to other virtualization projects like Open source Xen (virtual machine monitor) project and commercial VMware.
DeveLinux A live CD distro for developers. It contains any kind of software which is useful to program and develop project. See homepage.
DSLinux Version of Linux designed for the Nintendo DS.
ELKS Linux The Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset
Embedded Debian Embedded Debian is a project to make Debian GNU/Linux a mainstream choice for embedded projects
Familiar Linux Distribution for iPAQ handhelds
FlightLinux A distribution for spacecraft
GC-Linux Linux made for Nintendo GameCube videogame console.
Hard Hat Linux see MontaVista Linux
Hikarunix A distro solely for studying and playing the game of Go
iPodLinux Embedded Linux firmware for the Apple iPod based on the µCLinux kernel
Jlime Distribution for the HP Jornada handhelds
KnoppMyth Specialized Knoppix distribution for easy setup of the MythTV PVR software
MontaVista Linux embedded systems distro by MontaVista Software
Nethack Linux floppy-based Linux for playing NetHack[5]
openMosix a Linux kernel extension that links several single systems and forms one supercomputer
OpenZaurus Debian packages and ROM image for the Sharp Zaurus PDA. See homepage.
PS2 Linux Sony Computer Entertainment distribution released officially for the PlayStation 2 video game console.
Rocks Cluster Distribution A distribution for building a High-performance computing computer cluster.
TimeSys Linux embedded systems distro by TimeSys. See homepage.
tomsrtbt Root boot disk
VigyaanCD A Knoppix customization for bioinformatics, computational biology and computational chemistry.
Xebian a distribution for the Xbox home gaming console, Fluxbox. See homepage

Distribuții pentru platforme alternative[modificare | modificare sursă]

Linux started life as an operating system for X86-compatible systems but has expanded to include numerous other computer processors. Various distributions cater to those other computer architectures.

Distribuție Descriere
Linux on zSeries IBM mainframes [6] Linux/ppc (POWER-based systems, e.g. IBM pSeries, iSeries, newer Apple Macintosh, Pegasos and AmigaOne)
Linux/m68k [7] Motorola 680x0 series (Amiga, older Apple Macintosh, NeXT, etc.)
UltraLinux [8] SPARC and UltraSPARC based systems, e.g. Sun Fire servers.
ACCESS Linux Platform [9] for Palm devices.

Distribuții inactive sau oprite[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Alzza Linux This was most popular distribution in South Korea. First release was based on Slackware, but latest was Red Hat 6 based. Last release in 2000.
Beehive Last release 2002.
Caldera Linux RPM based, Caldera bought SCO then took the SCO name and no longer produces a Linux distribution. Last release: 3.1.1 - Jan. 30, 2002
EvilEntity A Slackware-based alternative to Microsoft Windows. Last release 2003.
Icepack Linux A user-friendly, full-featured operating system, pre-configured, well structured and easy to work with (RPM-based). Last release 2003.
Lycoris Desktop/LX Fell down to one employee and then acquired by Mandriva.
MCC Linux MCC Interim Linux, possibly the first Linux distribution. Created by the Manchester Computing Centre in February of 1992.
Mastodon Linux The last a.out Linux distribution.[10]
Peachtree Linux Designed for the knowledgable Linux user.
Red Hat Linux Split into Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The last official release was Red Hat Linux 9 in March 2003.
Softlanding Linux System One of the earliest distributions, developed from 1992-1994; Slackware was originally based on it.
Stampede Linux One of the Stampede developers left and formed Gentoo.
ThizLinux A HongKong based distribution provide services to Great China. Last release 2003. [11]
United Linux A group of distributors who banded together to build a common base distribution, based on SuSE. United Linux has now ceased.
UserLinux commercial, GNOME. Never produced a release after conceptual agenda. Was superseded by Ubuntu.
Yggdrasil One of the oldest Linux distributions, not updated since 1995.
Open Wall Linux hardened linux distribution.
Kiwi Linux O distribuție Linux dedicată special utilizatorilor din România

Distribuții utopice[modificare | modificare sursă]

Distribuție Descriere
Yellow Hat GNU/Linux O distribuție produsă de ramura Gelugpa a budismului din Tibet, distribuție creată cu intenția de a avansa utilizatorul în limbaje de programare cât și avansarea sa spre iluminare.
Jesux O distribuție constuită ca un mediu de lucru potrivit pentru un creștin, fără influențe pământești.
Clux O distribuție pentru managementului pasăretului (găini și pui).
DorkOPS Omega O distribuție dezvoltată de un grup de cybervigilante (neffind clar identificați), DorkOPS. Omega include unelte pentru securitate și audit, recuperare, hacking, cât și capitole referitoare la 'subliminal training'.

Distribuții recunoscute de GNU[modificare | modificare sursă]

O categorie specială față de celelalte distribuții care au software proprietar sau oferă suport pentru ele (codec-uri proprietare, logo-uri, drivere etc) [1]

Distribuție Descriere Derivată din
BLAG Linux Fedora
Dragora specializat pe editare Audio și Video
gNewSense Debian GNU/LINUX
Musix Knoppix
Parabola administrare simplă a pachetelor și a sistemului Arch Linux
Trisquel Ubuntu
Ututo XS Gentoo Linux

Referințe[modificare | modificare sursă]

  1. ^ Richard Stallman. „Explicația pentru care nu recomandăm alte sisteme”. 

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