William Henry Sleeman
Willam Henry Sleeman (KCB) (n. 8 august 1788 în Stratton (Cornwall), Anglia – d. 12 mai 1856 la bordul unei nave lângă Sri Lanka) a fost un administrator și criminalist britanic. El a reușit între anii 1820 - 1830 să descopere și să elimine organizația criminală indiană "Thuggee" (Înșelătorii) care căutau să câștige încrederea călătorilor după care îi ucideau și jefuiau.
[modificare | modificare sursă]- The story of the Byza Bae. Von Sleeman selbst gedruckt und hg. Ohne Ort. Ohne Jahr (Jabalpur 1827). – Eine Photokopie des Exemplars der Ames Library, St. Paul, Minnesota ist als Mikrofilm erhältlich: London: Rank Xerox 196-?
- On Taxes, or public revenue; the ultimate incident of their payment, their disbursement and the seats of their ultimate consumption. By an Officer in the military and civil service of the East India Company [i.e. William Henry Sleeman]. London 1829.
- Ramaseeana, or a vocabulary of the peculiar language used by the Thugs, with an introduction and appendix, descriptive of the system pursued by that fraternity and of the measures which have been adopted … for its suppression. 2 Bände, Huttmann, Kalkutta 1836.
- A Report on the system of Megpunnaism, or the murder of indigent parents for their young children … as it prevails in the Delhie Territories, etc. Serampore 1839.
- Die Thags oder Phansigars von Indien. Geschichte von Aufstieg und Entwicklung einer außergewöhnlichen Mörderzunft. Mit den „Notizen über die Thags“ von Captain P. A. Reynolds aus dem Jahr 1837. Vollständige Ausgabe, aus dem Englischen übersetzt und herausgegeben von Thomas Kohl. Originaltitel: The Thugs or Phansigars of India: Comprising a history of the rise and progress of that extraordinary fraternity of assassins; and a description of the system which it pursues, and of the measures which have been adopted by the Supreme Government of India for its suppression. Compiled from original and authentic documents published by Captain W. H. Sleeman, Superintendent of Thug Police. 2 Bände in 1, Carey & Hart, Philadelphia 1839; Gutenberg Buchhandlung, Mainz 2009. Nachdruck der englischen Ausgabe bei Kessinger Publishing (unvollständig), ein digitalisiertes Exemplar der Harvard College Library als PDF unter www.books.google.com (dort fehlt S. 8).
- Report on the depredations committed by the Thug Gangs of Upper and Central India, from the cold season of 1836-37, down to their gradual suppression … in the year 1839. Bengal Military Orphan Press, Kalkutta 1840.
- An Account of Wolves nurturing Children in their dens. By an Indian Official [i.e. Sir W. H. Sleeman]. A reprint of the pamphlet published in 1852, 1888. In: Periodical Publications. London. The Zoologist, 3. Serie, Band 12. 1843 (Über Wolfskinder in Zentralindien)
- Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. Hatchard, London 1844 [Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official.] Mufid-i-am Press, Lahore 1888 [Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official.] 2 Bände 1893. Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. Revised annotated ed. by Vincent A. Smith. Karachi. OUP, London 1973. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. Revised annotated edition by Vincent A. Smith. With a portrait, bibliography and map. Milford, London 1915.
- Report on Budhuk, alias Bagree Decoits, and other gang robbers by hereditary profession; and on the measures adopted by the Government of India for their suppression. With a map. Bengal Military Orphan Press, Kalkutta 1849.
- Diary of a tour through Oude, in December 1849, & January & February, 1850. Lucknow 1852.
- Sleeman in Oudh. An abridgement of W.H. Sleeman’s “A journey through the kingdom of Oude in 1849–50”. edited with an introduction and notes by P.D. Reeves. Cambridge UP, London 1971.
- A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude in 1849–1850. … With private correspondence relative to the annexation of Oude to British India, etc. 2 Bände, London 1858.
- The history of the reigning family of Oude. Rank-Xerox, London [196-?] Photocopy of an unpublished book in the possession of the Ames Library.
- Iconoclastes on the princes and territorial chiefs of India. Cheltenham 1853. Includes bibliographical references.
- Thug, or A Million Murders, etc. An account of the suppression of thuggee by Sir W. H. Sleeman. With plates, including a portrait. Sampson Low, London 1933.
- Thug, or a million murders. With a foreword by William T.F. Horwood. Pilgrims, Delhi 1998.
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