Winsum[*][[Winsum (village in the Dutch province of Groningen)|]]
De Dingen[*][[De Dingen (Groningen)|]] Lutke Saaxum[*][[Lutke Saaxum (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Ranum[*][[Ranum (village of Winsum, Netherlands)|]] Abbeweer[*][[Abbeweer (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Takkebos[*][[Takkebos (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Bolshuizen[*][[Bolshuizen (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Hekkum[*][[Hekkum (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Allersmaborg[*][[Allersmaborg (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Oldenzijl[*][[Oldenzijl |]] Het Schoor[*][[Het Schoor (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Saaxumhuizen[*][[Saaxumhuizen (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Tijum[*][[Tijum (village in the Netherlands)|]] Aduarderzijl[*][[Aduarderzijl (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Wierum[*][[Wierum (hamlet in Winsum, Netherlands)|]] Krassum[*][[Krassum |]] Feerwerd[*][[Feerwerd (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Hammeland[*][[Hammeland (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Sauwerd[*][[Sauwerd (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Schifpot[*][[Schifpot (village in the Netherlands)|]] Brillerij[*][[Brillerij (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Den Andel[*][[Den Andel (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] 't Wildeveld[*][['t Wildeveld (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] De Raken[*][[De Raken (village in the Netherlands)|]] Joeswerd[*][[Joeswerd (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Alinghuizen[*][[Alinghuizen (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Oostum[*][[Oostum (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Maarhuizen[*][[Maarhuizen (village in the Netherlands)|]] Schaphalsterzijl[*][[Schaphalsterzijl |]] Klein Garnwerd[*][[Klein Garnwerd (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Rasquert[*][[Rasquert (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Hiddingezijl[*][[Hiddingezijl (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Obergum[*][[Obergum (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Wierumerschouw[*][[Wierumerschouw |]] Hardeweer[*][[Hardeweer (hamlet in Het Hogeland, Netherlands)|]] Schapehals[*][[Schapehals (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Ernstheem[*][[Ernstheem (village in the Netherlands)|]] Adorp[*][[Adorp (village in the province of Groningen, the Netherlands)|]] Garnwerd[*][[Garnwerd (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Harssens[*][[Harssens (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Schilligeham[*][[Schilligeham |]] Ezinge[*][[Ezinge (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Beswerd[*][[Beswerd (farm village in the Netherlands)|]] Baflo[*][[Baflo (farm village in the Netherlands)|]]
În 1276 a fost intemeiată în sat o mănăstire dominicană. Deși în comparație cu manastirea din Aduard a fost relativ modestă în secolul al XVI-lea a servit ca loc de întâlnire pentru statele din Ommeland. După capitularea orașului Groningen în 1594 mănăstirea a fost închisă și distrusă.
Cele două mori din comună, "De Ster" ("Steaua") și "De Vriendschap" ("Prietenia") au fost construite în 1851 și 1801. Clădirea ocupată actualmente de barul "De Gouden Karper" ("Crapul de aur") a fost utilizata ca o tavernă încă din secolul al 16-lea și este cea mai veche din Țările de Jos.