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Wikipedia:Pagini de șters/ZephyrMusic

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă


Ștergerea a fost propusă la 12 mai 2024. Discuția s-a încheiat la 13 august 2024 și rezultatul a fost: Ștergere. Aceasta este o arhivă; vă rugăm să nu mai adăugați mesaje în ea.

Justificare: Subiect nenotabil. Nu pare să îndeplinească niciun criteriu de la en:WP:NMUSIC. Sursele citate nu sunt surse de încredere, doar site-uri despre care nu se știe cine și cum controlează conținutul. La de exemplu poți trimite un mail cu materialul pe care îl vrei publicat și se publică.  —Andreidiscuție 12 mai 2024 20:52 (EEST)[răspunde]

Păstrează: Hello, here are a few details:

Don't confuse popularity with notability. can indeed allow you to send a submission, but the details contained are checked before publication, in particular to avoid promotions or misleading facts. And although you can submit, there is a team of editors and journalists.

The Museanima article was written by an editorial team specialized in music, like other sources on this person.

Please note that there are other articles not published here.

This person has articles and interviews about her in his own country and in countries other than his own, and over a long period of time.

The sources present in the article are secondary sources recommended in the Wikipedia guidelines and answer for the most part to WP:GNG, the subject thus answers to WP:N. On Google one can find other secondary, primary and tertiary sources concerning this person. It therefore answers WP:MN

I think he belongs here.

Marvinesis (discuție) 12 mai 2024 21:20 (EEST)[răspunde]

delete : crosswiki promo see [[1]] and [[2]] Overtime99 (discuție) 13 mai 2024 00:27 (EEST)[răspunde]

Hello, the articles on this topic do not meet the criteria for immediate deletion, please stop requesting immediate deletion and request a regular deletion request instead.
Do you know the definition of "Cross Wiki Promo" as you call it? We're far from it.
I don't see the link with the articles and links to which you redirect in your explanation.
Marvinesis (discuție) 13 mai 2024 01:57 (EEST)[răspunde]
see [[3]] "spambot user with 17 creations blocked by french administrator" sockpuppet user. Overtime99 (discuție) 13 mai 2024 04:32 (EEST)[răspunde]
declined on english [[4]] Overtime99 (discuție) 13 mai 2024 04:35 (EEST)[răspunde]

@Overtime99 You're referring us to the old situation. In 2022, he was to have no source and only "sources" redirecting to his music, such as Soundcloud, which I've included in the report and someone tried to force their way. The page hasn't tried to be recreated since, except in 2023, when it was cleared by its author. 2 years later, sources have appeared.

"CrossSpam Wiki", which consists of spamming important Wikipedias in a short period of time, preferably in languages close to the subject's geographical area, with lots of links redirecting to social networks or, here, as it's a musician, to his music, but that's not the case, there are no links concerning this. You're stuck on a situation that's no longer relevant. Marvinesis (discuție) 13 mai 2024 08:39 (EEST)[răspunde]

  • Calitatea surselor: Nu știu dacă verifică textele diletanților pe care le publică, dar din punctul de vedere al gramaticii limbii franceze controlul este nul. „Des variétés françaises connus par tous”? „Des émotions profonde partagées à l’écoute de ses musiques comme le rapporte plusieurs de ses adeptes”? „L’un des pianistes américain les plus suivis”? --Pafsanias (discuție) 15 mai 2024 08:07 (EEST)[răspunde]

Discuție încheiată.Lipsă totală de notabilitate. Creația și-o lansează de unul singur pe platformele generaliste, în loc să apeleze la casele de discuri.//   Gikü  vorbe  fapte  13 august 2024 23:02 (EEST)[răspunde]